have you seen me?
posted on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2007 @ 10:11

the unthinkable has happened.

yesterday someone stole my yogurt.

i've been told by five different people it was matt, but i'm on a mission to get a confession. i'm sure it won't happen, but how fucking petty can you be to steal a 70-cent yogurt and not even 'fess up? someone around here seriously needs to learn some fucking manners, not to mention grow a pair and admit what they did.

so i made a dramatic missing ad for my yogurt:

then blanca suggested i do fliers like you get in the mail, and leave them in everyone's mail box. done.

i also created a milk carton ad that's going inside of the refrigerator upon her suggestion. i didn't save it for some reason, so here's a crappy scan:

i'm just deeply offended someone would be so rude as to eat food that isn't theirs, then blatantly refuse to come clean about it. it isn't about the 70 cents; it's about having some goddamn integrity. humans make me sick.

r.i.p. bcp.

<3, chels

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