early morning depression
posted on October 07, 2004 @ 8:18 am

yesterday while in petsmart buying a plant and some blood worms for crush, i found a tiny fish flopping about on the tile floor. i picked him up and looked around frantically for the guy i'd seen back there, but he was gone. a girl approached me from behind instead; apparently my terror was rather obvious. we couldn't find the tank he'd come from, and then the guy showed up. he put him in a random tank so he could breathe, and i watched as he swam in a vertical line then dropped back to the bottom. the guy said, "that's what you get for jumping out of the tank, man," and i had to turn away and leave because i felt the tears forming.

i almost bought a hamster or two, but decided against it since their life spans are so short. i can't go through what i did with solid snake and oobi doobi shanoobi again, not so soon at least (yes, it has been quite a while). i was watching the girl rats, but owen said to just think about it then come back. a boy around 11 with a weinie dog on a leash said to me as i pet the dog, "that looks like a blue eyes white dragon on your shirt."
"it is, and seto. :moves her purse strap covering seto's face:"
he said something about how he likes the blue eyes shining dragon, i asked if he'd seen the movie, and he said no but he has the action figure. i told him he should see it because it's good. this is all yu-gi-oh, by the way, for you non-losers.

this morning when i got to work katie and valerie were asking if i'd seen one of the entrances and telling me not to go look. i did anyway, because i'm a masochist in all forms of the word, and found a kitten with brains exploding from his skull and guts from his bottom. i returned to the office and counted the money in the safe as always but had to go to the bathroom for a bit to dry my eyes. i used that entrance and didn't even see him. i really hope i didn't hit him. nora, one of the maintenance people, and another guy were out there moments later to take him away.

i'm thinking of investing in a chinchilla; the one at that petsmart was $119. not only are they cute rodents, but their life span is 15 years. i'm all about long lives.

now that my eyes have been watery, they're going to feel tired. i even went to bed [read: passed out] at 9:30 last night. owen brought me my whore pills and a claritin, and approximately 2.4 seconds after he gave me a kiss as i lay tucked in, i was asleep. i actually didn't feel sleepy this morning. so much for that.

<3, chels

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