the sneezing, the dreaming, the sexually graphic novels!
posted on August 04, 2004 @ 4:29 pm

"curtains," "blinds," owl & the pussycat

i've reinstated the "no cats in the bedroom" rule, which they hate, as do i. i loved feeling janeane nuzzled up against my legs when i woke up throughout the night and the next day. it was adorable to see tima curled up on my he-man sheets (in the floor because of my recent laundry excursion). however, i've been so deathly ill as of late, it's gotten to the point where i wake up because i can't breathe. my sinuses fill with so much snot and mucus and other gross stuff that i end up breathing through my mouth. not only does it give me a sore throat, but it makes my tongue kind of dry. this is normally no big deal of course; it's not like my mouth is lacking in moisture (my dentist always teases me saying i have overactive salivary glands). when i wake up and close my mouth, however, the movement of my bar through muscle that is normally wet but is now dry, that freakin' hurts. i've since devised a delicate process to do as much.

anyway. the point is my allergies have been worse than usual as of late and it's pissing me off. waking up this morning and being able to breathe through my nose was bliss. this is one of the many things i'm sure most people take advantage of, but for which i am eternally grateful when it happens.

last night i discovered lucero is playing this friday, and i'm quite unhappy i can't see them. [insert lengthy complaint, including whining and cursing, here.]

they're one of the three cds my stereo holds to put me to sleep. them, owl & the pussycat, and cat power. lately i've been playing cat power because it seems like all my pleasant owen dreams occur with her playing in the background. last night i had an unhappy one, though. he called over to some mansion where my co-workers and i were hanging out, and detra answered. i'm not sure why my subconscious picked her because 1) i never hang out with her, or really see her for that matter; 2) i don't feel her response was accurate. owen was complaining about someone, and when detra responded with my usual blathering (on killing everyone and the like) he began hitting on her. she came back outside where we were and told cole what had happened, and i stormed into the house when she refused to tell me. eventually she came in and did tell me, and i began sobbing. [at this point, a couple of those odd dream things happened.] apparently he was upstairs, so i marched up the winding staircase and into his room, where i found not owen but an old, dying man. he was supposed to be owen, though, so i continued sobbing and asked why he would do that. the old man replied he needed to experience something [i.e. someone] different, especially since he wouldn't be around much longer.

and that was it. i woke up and discovered it was around 1:30 p.m., so i turned over and went back to sleep.

i've taken to sleeping diagonally just because i can. or just sprawled out in the center.

lacking a headboard is pretty neat at the moment. my bed's centered in front of the window, which is a gigantic thing at 70 inches wide (the bed's 60). the sills of my windows are very wide, as illustrated in janeane's picture from yesterday (normally half of him hangs off), so i've been using it as a table. i do have a little stand doug built in high school, but for some reason i'm digging my sill. not sure why it's interesting.

last night when i got home raz walked into the parking lot to greet me. i tried to force her antibiotic on her again, but for some reason she kept wriggling away with ease. finally i gave up, but some of it had gotten on her tongue and the side of her mouth. she started foaming at the mouth, literally, and making terrible smacking noises trying to free the long string of bubbly dribble hanging from her lips. i felt awful, moreso because she wouldn't let me near her. i promised i'd just throw them out and forget about it, and sat out petting her for some time to do some damage control. she doesn't seem to hate me too much anymore.

one of the books i got on clearance in longview is the toy collector by james gunn.

that picture is actually from the austin chronicle's site. coincidence? i think so. this afternoon i picked it up to bring to work, but stood deciding whether to remove the cover. usually i never let the covers leave the house; i'm afraid something will happen to them. this one has such an odd feel to it, though, and it's beautiful. it even has a pretty cerulean silky page marker type thingy (obviously i don't know their technical name, should they have one). i opened it up to a random page (104), which just happened to be the beginning of a little three-page sex scene in a car; i was pretty good at sensing out the sex scenes in jennifer's books, too. i can scan pages and immediately see curse words and/or sex words stand out almost three-dimensionally.

naturally this halted all processes of getting ready to work as i jumped onto my bed and fell to my stomach to read it. at one point the narrator says to the girl (eerily named evelyn, what i was considering naming my new car), "i'd break my own sternum with a blackjack for you. i'd do anything." this was so touching it brought a grin to my face. yes, this is the type of romantic i am.

"a bomb between us..."
<3, chels

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