i'm with a few friends and it feels all right
posted on August 05, 2004 @ 5:25 pm

hmm so. last night after a weak attempt at cleaning, i returned to jennie's. well, technically it's jennie's and katies, but katie's never there. i actually used my camera this time, but something katie said to me monday kind of haunts me. "one day a camera will be turned on you!" well, lots of pictures were taken of me last night, two of which were on my camera.

katie doesn't like being photographed.

that's a really cute picture of jared. all the ladies love jared. too bad he doesn't love any of the ladies.

speaking of no love for the ladies...at one point i was sitting between jordan and cole on the love seat and being assaulted by them both. oh how gay men tease me. jordan works wonders for my self esteem. when i showed up he went off on how hot i was and my great fashion sense, then informed me i have perfect boobs and perfect lips.

that one's a little disturbing because if you glance you can't see jared's nose or mouth. (and drunk valerie's my favorite person to photograph.)

everyone became fascinated with my motion tracker setting. for some reason it wasn't fully cooperating, however. this is as cool as i could get it.

reminded me of the shining.

for whatever reason, jennie and dana were determined to go swimming even though the pool was closed. jason and i stayed on the stairs to prevent trouble on our part.

jordan wouldn't get in, so dana splashed him until he had me come down there and hand him the step.

at one point on the balcony jason asked if i'd ever licked an eyeball. hmm...no, can't say i have, so he insisted i lick his. some people i'd imagine would kind of be grossed out by this, but considering i'm in love with all this disturbing and wrong i jumped at the opportunity. it was a little salty, and felt like a hard-boiled egg. valerie licked mine, and it just felt like i'd put drops in it. does this sound like a photo shoot to you? dana thought so.

eventually everyone ended up at dana and valerie's (just a floor below), where they decided to take advantage of my excellent posture.

my hair is so shitty and poofy because it dried while i was there, without a clip to flatten it down.

they also took advantage of mitch's curiosity.

and finally, the picture that absolutely amazed drunken jason.

while he was taking a picture of me, dana, and jordan, i took a picture of him. it's kind of blinding. he requested i email it to him today so that he could make it his wallpaper at every garage. heh.

mommy's coming tomorrow with my new car! eee! she can only stay til saturday, though, because she has to work sunday. ;( i'm going to get my hair cut saturday while she's here. fuck you lengthy hair! 'tis 100+ degrees!

last night marked the return of pleasant owen dreams...in my giant fucking comfortable bed! mom gets to sleep with me in it and experience the bliss.

<3, chels

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