on a random sidenote
posted on August 03, 2004 @ 5:24 pm

sometimes i embrace my inner toddler, especially when i eat. when i have french fries i usually put one end in my mouth and leave the other sticking out while i chew it down. jon just saw me do this and asked, "what are you eating?" so i stuck out my tongue to show him chewed-up french fry. he made a face as if to convey that wasn't really the answer he wanted. last night as one after one people asked abou the giant bruise on my calf and i replied excitedly each time, i explained to andrew that my "inner child" is a five-year-old boy: "dinosaurs, boogers, bruises, they're all fascinating to me."

speaking of vomiting and food and what not, i'm curious to know where ten of my pounds have gone. sunday evening when i showed up for work laura asked, "are you losing weight?" i eat fast food and sit on my ass watching tv all day, yet i've lost weight. can it be due to the fact i'm no longer a heap of depression? isn't depression supposed to cause you to gain weight or something? this leads me to believe if i tried it wouldn't be terribly hard to lose weight. now if only i cared...

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