i have the theme to clean sweep stuck in my head
posted on July 22, 2004 @ 9:35 pm

so. i talked with bobby in jeri's presence today and sobbed. i didn't expect it at all. after about 15, 20 minutes i told him, "well in my next interview i'll dance and put on a show for you." i stood and made him move so i could get to the bathroom door, said, "i don't want to talk about this anymore!" and slammed the door behind me. and it was super loud cause it's a metal door. i stayed in there a few minutes, and when i came out i just sat at the computer and finished typing the email i'd started before they got there. he said, "if you want to talk about this anymore let me know," and i stayed with my back to them. i didn't say anything or even look at them, and finally they left.

jared was delivering letters saying we got raises, and he said when he picked them up in bobby's office jeri said, "you may have an upset cashier at pg4." then bobby told him i slammed the door and told them to leave.

being known as a volatile basket case can't be good. =/

on the other hand, there are three tidbits of better news.

emusic.com, for whom i've been advertising, ended my trial two weeks early and charged me $9.99. i emailed them my story, and one "josh" gave me my money back and a brand new 100 song/30 day trial. i still had 33 songs left on the other, so i'll end up getting 167 free songs for free.

as aforementioned, i'm getting a raise. effective september 1st, i'll be making $9.40 an hour, an increase of 15�.

finally, i got approved for a balance transfer on my credit card. soon i will be the proud owner of a providian visa (lovely with tulips) with $750 worth of 0% APR until february. beautiful. that also means i have $708.06 free on my other card. and the pheasants rejoice!

tima's doing better. she's walking around and talking some. i think she'll be fine.

oh, and not to mention the better news of i have a new car waiting for me!!! jason even took my shift saturday morning so i can get to longview by that afternoon. w00+!

doug: "that was funny what we said yesterday about getting you a car, huh? do you really think we'd buy you a car? :laughs:"
that's just cruel, but mom said he really did.

and let's not forget i will be with owen in 31 days. <333 eep! i realized the other night i wouldn't have my camera on our trip, since layla and her charger are in the middle east. so i bought a new one off ebay. ebay is so wonderful.

<3, chels

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