tima's home
posted on July 21, 2004 @ 5:21 pm

tima's mad at me. when i picked her up this morning, the guy came to the door and said, "you're going to have to come get her." i went to the kennel and found her in the back corner of her cage, ears forward, hair spiked, growling and hissing. she let me pet her but continued to growl. eventually the guy used a net to get her into her carrier, and once we were out of the building she stopped growling and began her sad, i'm-in-my-carrier meow.

when we got home i noticed there was some pee on her tail, but she wouldn't let me touch her enough to clean it. she stepped shakily from the futon to my lap to the coffee table, looked around a bit, then got underneath the futon, where she was from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., when i left for work. i lay on the floor a while to pet her, but she still remained without moving. my poor baby.

i loaded my shelves with crap, and they look lovely.

the bottom isn't as vast and desolate as it appears in the picture. the trunk fits perfectly. all those books are my old 19th century text books.

my customers are making me want to go on a rampage. grr.

<3, chels

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