:whispers: 44 days
posted on July 08, 2004 @ 4:34 pm

d00d. i got lots of presents today.

mom sent me a box of stuff last week, so i trapsed over to the office to see if anyone was actually inside. miraculously, they were, and she said, "you have a couple of things, actually!"
"...i do?"
"you're in 110, right?"
"uh. yeah."

so she brings out a big box from mom and a little box. lo, it's owen's box he mailed on june 19th. i got excited because this means not only will he be sending me a postmaster's head in a box (� la seven, since this would have been the second box to be lost), i was getting cool stuff! when i signed the log for it, though, it showed it had been delivered on the 21st. i never received a notice for it, though. before leaving for work i noticed all my faucets are just trickling water, and of course no one is in the office to receive my phone call about it. the management at this place is really fishy. i'm thinking of asking if they need someone else to work.

mom sent me a tinkerbell shirt, a card, and five things of anti-hairball treats since they were, like, three dollars off at her store (99�). i gotst from owen a bunch of cds (the darkness, puffy amiyumi, the pillows, silent hill III soundtrack, flcl soundtrack [right? i'm trying to remember...]), party monster, and flcl. it's rather exciting.

i bought some red curtains for my living room, and they give the entire room a pink tint. they are so awesome; this afternoon at 2:00 i had to turn on my lamp in there to see. i need to get some more for my bedroom and some rods on which to hang them (they're just tacked up now).

hot. working. tired. blah. blah. blah.

<3, chels

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