pancakes and nachoes til ya puke
posted on May 21, 2004 @ 7:01 pm

"the newest key you'll have to buy," giant lightning

i don't know if that's what this song is actually called, or if it's really giant lightning. [the horizontal colored bars are links] used to just be an index of mp3s, and just before they spiffed it up i downloaded them all onto a cd. this song, whoever may sing it, is su-poib.

today all the entrance and exit gates are open in all of the garages.

today, we are still working.

i'll get off around 9:00 or 9:30, after five/five point five hours of sitting on my ass rooting through diaryland to find a layout to steal, listening to the britney spears album owen uploaded for me (who's more at fault, me for wanting to hear it or him for actually having it on his computer?), eating cookies my supervisors bought for everyone, and looking up prices for one-way tickets to philadelphia.

he says it's "positively adorable" that i'm looking up flights, but the time has come. everything happening lately has frazzled me beyond emotional recognition, and the next two months are going to suck. thusly, i'm saving a couple hundred bucks and, come august/early september, trekking to pennsylvania to retrieve the slave i've lived without for much too long. it will be an early birthday present to myself and the biggest relief imaginable for this summer o' hell.

he's sending me money for my move. i'm so lame; my boyfriend's supporting me. to quote cat, "some feminist you are." once this feeling of failure fades away, i'll be thankful for having someone who would do as much.

walking to my car this afternoon and sitting in the stifling heat while the a/c tried to work caused me to break a sweat. i have the a/c in the house set to 82, yet it still came on. this indoor kitty is quite dismayed.

but i'm calming down. it appears the chunk of money i'll need to borrow from someone, most likely mom and doug, will be significantly smaller than anticipated. the deposit is $250, and i'll have $235 after bills and rent. i still need gas, but it's getting too damn hot to go anywhere, after all. as for food, well, good thing i got those refried beans and tortilla chips. and i've still got tons o' pinto beans and rice and corn and ranch style beans and hopefully mashed potatoes. i'm living off carbs for a while.

i'm saving my love.
<3, chels.

MORRISSEY will be at lollapolooza in dallas on the 24th of august. :collapse:

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