it's in his kiss
posted on December 08, 2002 @ 1:16 pm

oh my god!!! i soo forgot about when this happened. i'll paraphrase it, though. it's absolutely the most [positive] bizarre thing that's ever happened in my life.


so today a random guy kissed me. :looks around: um..yeah.

i was walking to the union to get food because i had just woken up from a nap and was starving. when i got to the battle oaks this guy stepped in front of me: "what's your name?"
:startled: "chelsea..."
"what are you studying?"
"what year are you?"
"really? i would have guessed at least a junior." :staring at me, leaning in: "your eyes are beautiul. are you wearing contacts?"
:shakes her head: "no."
"that's amazing. they're so pretty."
:nervous laughter: "um, thanks."
"well, i want to ask you these survey questions, but i can only do it if you're friendly. are you friendly? you don't yell or bite or anything?"
:thinking of how she loves to bite people: "no, not usually."
"ok, lets do it on the wall." :sits on the wall:

so he starts talking to me about how he's in this contest trying to sell magazines and stuff. while he was talking, he drew a smiley face on my hand. he started off about a foot from me, occasionally touching my leg when he'd reach over to point something out. but in a few minutes he was right on me, leaning on my leg and doing little things like picking at the stray fabric on my pants. he told me the money that they win is going to a keg party, "but i wasn't supposed to tell you that. you drink, though, occasionally?"
"ok, then you're invited. but you can't bring your boyfriend."
:laughs at the thought of having a boyfriend: "i don't have a boyfriend."
"oh, ok! then you're definitely invited!"

i renewed my spin subscription and got my sister nickelodeon. where i had to sign, he drew a smiley face and two hearts, and said, "those two hearts mean that i think you're really pretty. sign your name right there."
:signs: "do i need to put my number there?"
"no, that's just for telemarketers and stuff. :flips the paper over to a blank side: write it there. now i've got your number and can call you anytime. i'll make a booty call at 3 a.m.! :laughs and puts his hand on my knee: i'm just fucking with you."
:thinking: "i'd be there in 10 minutes flat, no matter where you live."

[over-explanation of me going to the atm and getting money]

"thank you so much. you're so sweet." :outstretches his arms:
:hugs him, pecks his cheek:
:talks about something..: i honestly don't know; by this time i was just watching him, not gathering anything he said. he extended his hand as if to shake mine, so i gave him my hand. instead of shaking it, he just squeezed it and pulled me to him, and gave me a kiss, like on my lips and everything. and NO it wasn't open-mouthed; everyone i've told this about has asked that. but it was so sweet and cute and wonderful because those kinds of kisses are really nice. i was in shock; i was like, "did this just happen to me?" when i came to i realized he was talking. " if i'm still out there when you're on your way home maybe you can kidnap me again?"
:giggles: "ok."

now if everyone tried to sell me stuff like that, i'd probably give in. ok, i promise that's all for the random memories. i'll keep them to myself.

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