have you ever dreamt you were jennifer hewitt? i hope not.
posted on October 03, 2002 @ 11:24 pm

Reine des Pixies: i had this awful nightmare last night, but the section with you in it was really nice
cluthu: Well...I'm happy for you? :isn't sure how to respond:
cluthu: ^_^
cluthu: Oh!
cluthu: [[[Pyx]]]
cluthu: And :hugs, again:
cluthu: Thank you for the present!
cluthu: It's so cool!
Reine des Pixies: :giggle:
Reine des Pixies: you're welcome
cluthu: What happened in your dream, if you don't mind my asking?
Reine des Pixies: well, part of the nightmare was that i was jennifer love hewitt
Reine des Pixies: :shudder:
Reine des Pixies: but that usually happens in my dreams, that i'm someone other than me but on the inside i'm me
cluthu: Ugh! I so very dislike her.
cluthu: She's just...blech. She's not a good actress, she can't sing, she has knobby knees...
Reine des Pixies: and she looks like a rodent
cluthu: Yes, that's very true!
cluthu: But we must apologize to rats, since it's unfair to have to compare them to someone like her.
cluthu: Rats can be cute, after all.
Reine des Pixies: [[[owen]]] i love that you don't like her
Reine des Pixies: jonathan and derek and like everyone i know is obsessed with her
cluthu: Ugh. Horrid.
Reine des Pixies: i don't understand it
cluthu: There's a billion other actresses that are both cuter and better than she.
Reine des Pixies: :nods:
Reine des Pixies: like me (cause i was in that one play in high school lol)
cluthu: Like Farizula Balk[sp?].
cluthu: If anyone should be in more movies, it's her.
Reine des Pixies: yum
cluthu: :drool:
cluthu: She's just so heavenly (okay, wrong direction, I realize... ^_^ ).
Reine des Pixies: hehe
cluthu: But I'm in it? Were you still Ms. Hewitt then too?
Reine des Pixies: no, i think my psyche knew you wouldn't like me
Reine des Pixies: cause it was the first time i met you, so i was being all crazy and hanging on you and stuff
cluthu: Well it's not like I'd punch her in the face, but I'm not going to fawn all over her.
Reine des Pixies: but you've got to fawn all over me ^_^
Reine des Pixies: j/k
cluthu: You? Of course I would.
cluthu: Not her.
Reine des Pixies: in my dream, i was trying to escape from this hospital that was overflowing with death. there was a guy who was leaving a trail of defecation and finally collapsed in the hallway. doctors were running around talking about don't get in contact with any of the dead people because you'll die too. there were all these deformed people and people whose faces were falling off
cluthu: Iee.
cluthu: Sounds sort of like the dream I had with the people suffering from consumption and leprocy[sp?].
cluthu: It was awful.
cluthu: "Get away!" :hack, cough, wheeze:
Reine des Pixies: i finally found a stair well, but then this guy started chasing me, and when i got outside and near my car, he finally caught me. he started trying to stab me and rip me up with this knife, but i grabbed it with my hands. they were getting all sliced up. i kept continually screaming help, but no one was even looking in my direction. there were people walking by, but no one paid attention. it was just like that dream i had in elementary school when i was beat and people kept walking by me, ignoring me.
cluthu: [[[Chelsea]]]
Reine des Pixies: then like in a movie, the scene faded to black. when it came back on, i was leaning against my car with the knife sticking out of my neck.
Reine des Pixies: the guy started twisting it and pulled it out along with the stuff in my throat.
cluthu: :winces:
cluthu: :looks down:
Reine des Pixies: he had this other girl finish emptying it out, and i could feel my lungs filling with blood because i felt like i was choking yet not.
Reine des Pixies: he started talking about how i was trying to ruin his life, and this is just what i deserved for butting into his affairs. and then they left me there.
Reine des Pixies: and i woke up.
cluthu: Um...and where was I?
cluthu: You said the part with me was good.
Reine des Pixies: the reason all that happened was because i was at this party thing, and i didn't feel like being social so i left. if i had just stayed it wouldn't have happened.
Reine des Pixies: you were in the earlier part; my dreams are always in sections, not necessarily connected.
cluthu: You don't know that.
cluthu: Who's to say the guy wouldn't have come and killed all of you?
Reine des Pixies: it was still pretty dark, though. like, the lighting, the scenery, everything around.
cluthu: :nods: I'm sorry you had to experience all that though.
cluthu: [[[Pyx]]]
cluthu: Well if you ever need someone to help you, you can include me in your dreams. I might fail, but, you know, you won't have to die alone. ^_^
Reine des Pixies: hehe
Reine des Pixies: i don't really remember what you looked like though.
cluthu: Ugly, no doubt.
cluthu: ^_^

this all makes me think of how jonathan says i add stress to his life.

he should be here right now, and until sunday, but of course he's not. he also said he doesn't know when he'll ever be getting a car.

i talked to him tonight, and he told me he got tags for his luggage when he moves. that's the most tactless statement i've ever heard in my life.

i have to go drive to sad and/or violent music now.

anti-<3, chelsea.

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