"what are you doing a week from saturday?" "killing myself." "splendid, when does that finish?"
posted on September 19, 2002 @ 11:31 pm

king of the hill on fox

i've decided i'm going to destroy the entire planet. starting with the entitites. jonathan's mad at me because i smoke and drink. he makes me feel demonic. he said he called last night at 7:00 p.m. and that no one answered. we were both home, though, so i don't know why. i asked if he left a message, but he said no. well, that's what a goddamned answering machine is for; i don't buy one just to look at the little zero in the messages display. anyway, he was calling because he said he could come and had to be back by monday. but lo, i didn't know because he didn't leave a motherfucking message. just like that time that arty and marc stayed down stairs all night because they wouldn't leave a message. i seriously don't understand.

tonight i worked with a chick named valerie. she's really cool and reminds me a whole wohle lot of me. we talked about sex and blow jobs and relationships and high school and band (she played the clarinet too!). hopefully i'll see her again soon. she lives in the apartments across the street from layla.

speaking of layla, she just suggested we go to the metro because she's got to stay up all night doing c.s., and i'm going silently mad. raarrr! oh. sorry. heh. ok, g'nite.

"anything wrong?"
"no, i'm just going silently mad."
"oh, thank god for that. i was worried."
<3, pyx.

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