royal suckenbaums
posted on September 19, 2002 @ 6:59 am

"enjoy the silence," "personal jesus," depeche mode (in my head)

i don't understand why anyone liked the royal tennenbaums (probably misspelled that). the only parts i liked were when what's-his-head was faking a seizure and non-chalantly put that wooden spoon in his mouth, and when owen wilson crashed through the house and asked, "where's my shoe?" damn, that was funny. me and derek and jonathan are still saying that. it was so boring and dragged so, and blah blah crap. it gets two big thumbs down, and if i had more thumbs, i'd give it more thumbs downs.

You are a vampire.

wow, didn't see that one coming. *sarcasm. ooh, this is funny, though:

Congratulations, you're an Iele, a blood-sucking cat who hunts humans.

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