happy birthday to me
posted on Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006 @ 00:46

"quadrat im kreis," wizo

the big 2-3. indeedily do. i finally got tattoos! the quality of the pictures isn't good, though. the cute mexican dude who did it wrapped saran wrap around them. he said don't use ANYthing else as a bandage. when i unwrapped them to take the picture, the air made them sting. there was a lot of blood bubbling up on the left one.

left, symbol for virgo:

right one, symbol for mercury, my ruling planet (it also rules you fabulous geminis out there):

at first it hurt. it was a trippy flashback to my times of self-mutilation. it had that same stinging burn as a razor blade slicing open my skin. it was particularly painful as he went across a relatively large scar. after a minute or two, i didn't even feel it. i could feel the pressure, but no pain. rinse and repeat for the right one, only it took less time for the pain to fade. they're pretty bitching i think. once they're a little older and cleaner, i'll take better pictures. or you can see them for yourself!

wanna know what owenkun got me for my birthday? a 1 gig flash card for my camera, so i should be able to hold around 400 pictures now. remember i'm taking 8-megapixel pictures, so that's pretty good. also he bought me flowers, TWO (2!) ghirardeli caramel chocolate bars, and THIS!!!

a million-pound, $220 piece of machinery artwork! buwahahaha! it even came with a BREAD HOOK so i can make stuff that requires excessive kneading! (you'll recall i have killer carpal tunnel that prevents manual acts like that.)

the latest exciting work news is related to a crabs scare. wee little creatures you could barely see were crawling all over the bathroom. turns out they're mites, but i still call them crabs cause it's funny. cole called me the very day it happened, just laughing when i picked up the phone. beverly found some on the adding machine atop my mega-safe this afternoon. the pattern i'm noticing here is she's always the one around when they're discovered. coincidence? i'll let you be the judge. all her fucking gospel music is getting on my goddamn nerves. gospel music is one thing, but to listen to the same five songs over and over and OVER AND OVER?! i should NEVER have a song with a chorus that goes, "let's have a little church!" stuck in my head. EVER.

there's lots of capital letters in this entry. odd.

19 days ago i saw chuck motherfucking norris at the drafthouse. that dude is in amazing shape; i had no idea he's 66. he's really funny, too. when a drafthouse employee asked how he would take care of someone who talked during the movie, chuck said he'd strangle them unconscious. now that's what i'm talking about! don't fuck with chuck.

the movie they showed when i went was code of silence. it included a police robot killing machine, which i think is all that needs to be said about the awesomeness of this flick. plus it's from '85, when i was but a mere toddler.

we also went to see calvaire, a french movie, on 9/11. that was a good piece of cin�, complete with bestiality, transgendered anal rape, blood, guts, and amazing cinematography. throw in a few moments that make you jump, the creativity of the french, and the language itself, and you've got a movie highly endorsed by owen and chelsea. two thumbs up!

well i'm super tired, and i had no fucking idea it was 1:00 a.m. already. i'm driving to longview tomorrow night and staying til monday night.

oh! mom's quitting her job, thank god. it's such a shitty place to work. she's worked there for nearly 30 years, and they refuse to pay her over $14/hour. she hasn't had a raise in two years. she says the money finally isn't worth it, that they would make whatever sacrifices necessary, and i'm so happy for her. i'm going to pennsylvania for xmas (22nd-29th, flights booked), so i'm going to viewtown from the 5th to the 15th, then going back for new years if five hours on a plane don't discourage me from 4.5 hours in a car. time will tell. i'm so excited about a white xmas! it's going to be two degrees outside with a bone chilling wind index of far below zero. know where chelsea's going to be? playing in the snow! ♥

<3, chels

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