i've never heard daniel laugh so hard
posted on Wednesday, Jun. 28, 2006 @ 12:18

me: "is there seafood in that?"

daniel: "yes."

me: "cause it smells like death."

daniel: "coming from you i'm not sure how to take that."

me: "it smells like death in a bad way. it smells like the death of a loved one, as opposed to the death of beverly."

daniel: "can i quote you on that?"

when talking to garrett this morning, he said he liked beverly as a person. after throwing up a little in my mouth, i was hollowed. i don't understand how anyone can like her personally. anthony said, "you used to like her!" no, i used to pretend to like her. he said i had everyone�including her�fooled, and i pointed out that was the object of my deception. i am a very manipulative person, a pathological liar, for god's sake i've been forging my mother's signature since third grade. all the bullshit i've dealt with from people my entire life has trained me well to deceive and then emotionally injure. if there's one useful thing i learned from my father, the king of deception and lies, it's that. weasel your way in, earn their trust, and wait for dirt to grace your ears.

allow me to say i'm not this way with those i genuinely like, but i suppose to idea is to have it seem like i enjoy some people i hate. i've given that up more or less at work, particularly with beverly. she's just a foul person, and i can only faithfully rely on karma to take care of her.

and, because i genuinely like garrett, i refrained from rolling my eyes and saying, "blah, blah, blah" as�for the first time in a while�i heard utter bullshit spewing from his mouth.

anti-<3, chels

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