making friends wherever she goes
posted on Tuesday, May. 30, 2006 @ 22:30

"place to be," nick drake

so, about a month or so ago, i left work two hours early because i was sick. normally i can stick it out since i'm not cashiering anymore, but i truly felt like death that day.

part of my job is to do the mail run for the garages. the night supervisors take the mail in individual bags to one garage, i pick them up, deliver mail to PTS and pick up any mail from PTS going to the garages, then take each bag back to its garage. simple enough; i can get it done in an hour if i rush.

this particular day i left work early, i allocated time for the mail run to the afternoon. i had a meeting with garrett and this other chick from 2:00-2:30, then i was going to deliver the mail. garrett and jeri both said it was okay for me to go home at 2:30 (they're the PTS managers, garrett being moreso mine since he bosses around us admins). he even said he would let everyone know i left.

so, the next day i get an email from beverly (one of the daytime garage supervisors) asking why i didn't do the mail. i explained to her that i left, and she said i should have told her so she could have done it. (this was excedinly amusing since she makes tommy [the other daytime supervisor] do everything while she gossips with detra an sibyl.) i explained i only had time for it in the afternoon, that i left unexpectedly, and garrett was supposed to tell her and tommy i left. i even apologized for the gap in communication, which should have been read, "fuck off." she called me "sister" or whatever ridiculous jargon she chose to use that day and thanked me for insight into my day. after flipping off outlook, i deleted her emails.

a week or two later i'm looking in my EEF, my electronic employee file, which is basically where they keep track of the bad stuff you do, and throw in kudos every now and then to make it look even. beverly had written that i didn't deliver the mail that day. i wrote to her saying, "I feel the entry on my EEF dated 5/1 should be removed. I did not deliver the mail because I had to leave early due to illness. I did not plan for this to happen, as I explained to you. The only days mail is not delivered are days when I am out." the mail does get done sometimes, by tommy, when he's not doing beverly's work for her.

sooo she replies with the same bullshit she originally said, about how i should have told them i left early. and i replied with the same bullshit i had originally said regarding what garrett had said. finally garrett replies that i was correct, and the notation needed to be removed from my file. what does she do? she says she'll make a note of what he said in addition to the original notation. what the hell? last time i did budget reconciliation, garrett makes a load more than her and has the complete authority to tell her what to do. finally she took it out completely.

this was a very long-winded version of events, i know. she called in sick today allegedly because of her daughter, and she's got thursday and friday off for her son's graduation party. want to take bets on her calling out tomorrow, too? nice week-long vacation there, ho. kim said she heard them talking about how 600 people were going to be at his party, to which i replied, "well they have to count the dealers and hookers."

this morning i went to starbucks and witnessed another human stupidity miracle. this lady was in the left lane, with her left blinker on, so i pulled up next to her to turn right. as i start to turn, she starts to turn right as well, so i honk. she honked back at me three times, sat there in the drive-through behind me laying on her horn. so i sat there in front of her holding my middle finger out the window. she parked to go inside, and i figured she'd say something to me since my windows were down. alas, middle-aged women apparently aren't so adventurous.

oh! last month or something, on my way to work, i turned right onto burnet when there wasn't any oncoming traffic. at the same time the guy in the far lane decided to change lanes, and i didn't notice. all i know is the next minute there's a pick-up sharing my lane. this crazy fucker cuts me off, comes to a dead stop, and i got white knuckles around my steering wheel as i hear a big delivery truck's brakes squealing behind me. the guy in front gets out of his truck and screams, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" i was truly baffled. i didn't even know what i did wrong; this whole changing lanes theory is the only explanation i can come up with. i stared at him completely perplexed and continued smoking until he finally got back into his truck.

i saw him pull into the midas up the street, and knew then he worked there judging on his dorky shorts. i wrote an email to them suggesting they take him off his steroids, and to let him know his outbursts aren't that frightening when he's in those little blue shorts. i used a spamgourmet address, so sadly i have no entertaining follow-up.

i'm going to write another entry of substance. combining this crap with my thoughts would just be...wrong.

<3, chels

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