useless photos
posted on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 @ 01:25

i'm sure those of you who have known me long enough (i.e. cole) realize when i'm bored i take pictures. since so few people allow me to photograph them, i photograph myself. i have an ability to make anyone look 100x better on film than in real life. which is really the only reason i photograph myself in the first place. sometimes i come across as looking almost cute, but i promise that's not for real. ;)

beans is my protector. he'll surprise butsechs you if you fuck with me.

in the full-sized version of pictures like this, i can see blackheads i didn't even know existed. my camera fucking rocks.

and to end upon, a little partial nudity. thanks for the xmas money, uncle ray. it was well spent on this corset. ^_^

<3, chels

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