sadly, my fairy wings are MIA
posted on October 04, 2004 @ 2:17 pm

so. the one day i choose in the month of october to go to the texas renaissance festival is the one day of the month it chooses to rain. and not just rain, torrential storms. well, i'm not sure if it was torrential, but when i awoke in bed that morning while it was still dark, i had to squint because the lightning was so bright to my tired eyes (and having a 60" by 70" window as a headboard isn't fun when light is concerned). it woke up owen, too, to whom i said, still mostly asleep, "it's raining on our parade," just before falling back asleep.

i got up at 7:30 saturday morning, and it was still raining. we watched the weather channel for a while. i did, at least, because i'm a nerd like that. i can seriously watch it as a program and be entertained. anyhoot, we decided to go to the renaissance festival sunday instead, but rather than go back to sleep i stayed awake watching cartoons, playing jet set radio future, and watching him play silent hill and helping out. no major contributions this time, just hearing a gun cock and warning him about "lebowski." lebowski is a guy who keeps showing up and is currently following us wherever we go, weilding a pistol and a bat (which was formerly a chainsaw). owen kept calling him "the dude," hence the name lebowski.

ANYway, saturday was spent in loserdom as most our days are. sunday we again woke up at 7:30 a.m. and treked up to plantersville, texas, to the renaissance festival.

when i told my mom i was going, she said she hated me. i got them a cool wizard lamp, though, so at least there's a little compensation. they got me really cool shit when they went last year.

i got a bracelet for myself, even though it was $20.

yes, it's gold and studded with diamond-esque whathaveyous, yes i despise gold and diamonds, but i can tolerate it since it's so cool. i don't know why it turned out so dark, but this picture has a cool starburst around the "diamond," just like on HSN or something.

i got a tiarra, a small one that just goes around your head and forms a point in the middle of your forehead, with a red stone hanging from it to match my bracelet. i almost got black to go with my whole overlord persona. i got sarah a pink one and a cool bracelet with a dragon on it. she really digs all this stuff, too.

one little corner was really pretty because they were selling plants with a backdrop of the last supper.

i thought i got more, but oh well.

i think this dude was the highlight of everyone's day. i did see a centaur walking ahead of us once, but since i think i already have a picture of him from mom i didn't photograph him.

and lastly, a cute cat picture because really, how could the day go on without one?

and actually lastly today's owen's birthday yay! which is why we went to the festival in the first place. he's an old, old man at 23.

<3, chels

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