austin city limits and legality
posted on September 20, 2004 @ 3:36 pm

ah, the mirth, the togetherness, the fatal heat. x_X

i heard some guy saying that there were 81,000 people there on saturday. it's really interesting when no matter where you look all you see is people.

i endured dashboard for the sake of the pixies, so i had to listen to these middle/high school girls for an hour. i'm sure if i told them i've met him and conversed with him they'd piss themselves. i felt obligated to takea picture since i was so close.

who is the man in the mist?

black francis! holy fucking christ it was a religious experience. nothing can top this whatsoever ever. then i discovered owen has photoshop on his computer, something i've never encountered, so i spent too much time last night playing with it rather than sleeping.

sunday i felt super ultra shitty, so we only saw wilco and cake, and stayed where it was spacious so we could actually sit.

yay for the guy dancing during cake!

this was the view outside where we were parked in a garage. i am such a downtown lights whore.

look at me i'm arty and cool cause i use photoshop.

anyhoot. i am o-ficially legal in all ways now. as i told owen last night, asl i have to look forward to is when i turn 25 and insurance prices lower and i can rent a car.

random picture of jason passed out in the floor. nice.

and finally random picture of owen scowling because he just woke up.

<3, chels

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