the only variables you don't have to solve for are quality and convenience!
posted on September 01, 2004 @ 8:19 pm

so. we drove from white haven to harrisonburg, virginia, the first night. it took around five hours i think. the next day i decided to take the wheel because driving in traffic and not knowing where exactly to go was kinda freaking owen out. since being lost and around a lot of cars is fun to me, i made him let me drive and didn't quit til 15 hours later, when we got to little rock, arkansas at 2:00 a.m. we sounded like we were stoned beginning around midnite and talked about communities with mathematical themes, hence the title.

here's a picture from virginia. i decided virginia is a lovely, lovely state.

i got to see the appalachians, which looked like sleeping beasts at night since they're rounded.

did you know we have a national park named hungry mother?

our experience driving through nashville and memphis sucked. the roads weren't labeled and there was contruction as far as the eye could see. it did produce this picture, however, which was taken by my budding protege owen-kun.

we stayed at a red roof inn in little rock. they only had doubles but they let me have it for a single price (i led them to believe i was alone). when we woke up the next morning and were sitting on the bed questionable activities were not performed in, i noticed this on the side of the other mattress.

part of me wants this to be blood.

he drove us to hot springs, an hour away, and after eating in the business district or whatever it's called, we went to the mid-america science museum, which i love.

this is owen being a butress. it was a really lame exhibit, but it's geared toward small children.

this was fucking. loud. i thought i was going to pass out when it was turned on; we were too far away to hear the woman's microphone and facing the opposite direction. electricity does fun things like this, though.

and let's not forget bill.

on our way to louisiana owen pointed out a cloud that looked like a giant penis. my corruption is working wonders.

shreveport greeted us with a rainbow. (:

papaw got surgery done on his neck to unblock some clogged arteries, and this is what he looks like now.

it's horrifying, but the bruises on his chest form a butterfly. he said it looks like he was hanged by two ropes, which is quite true. we're not sure why this all happened, but oh well. at least he's not hurting.

we stayed at their house saturday night and left sunday afternoon for longview. owen apparently felt it was impolite to make out in my bedroom with the door open while nana and papaw were sitting in the living room talking. after a mini-tour of longview, mom and doug took us out to eat.

that's mom being super duper cute while waiting in line at sam's to pay her credit card bill.

naturally, the best/most freakish picture was of sarah.

bless her crazy little heart.

when owen saw my apartment he asked if i'd be offended if he cleaned. he said he was going to become a housewife. we went to wal-mart, where he bought $100 worth of pillows for the futon, cleaning supplies, and cat food/litter. he insists on paying for my food when we eat anywhere. which is really nice, but it makes me feel guilty.

it's kind of odd waking up in the morning having someone's arm(s) around me, or open my eyes and see someone lying there sleeping or watching me. there's that half second of panic and "what the fuck?!"-ness before i realize it's just him. last night when i got home from work a quarter past midnite, tired and filled with general blahhood, seeing my kitties run to the door to greet me and owen lying on the futon watching conan generated the best feeling ever.

i had an interview today for a full-time position. apparently it's just between me and one other person. this is stressful.

<3, chels

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