posted on August 19, 2004 @ 5:44 pm

"sweep beep," giant lightning"

i say i don't attract attention, but this statement needs modifying. i don't attract attention from "normal" people.

this morning at 2:00 cat called to see if i wanted to eat somewhere with him. i met him at the taco c. by campus, which was filled with jerk college kids. of course it will be now that they're moving back to austin, but these were extra-jerks. they were yelling and calling someone a bitch, either me or this other girl seeing as we were the only females in the establishment. i didn't look over at him, though, because if he had been talking to me i would have started something. considering he was a massive football player type, it wouldn't have ended well. score one for self control [for the first time in my life].

when they finally finished the big guy went outside to the patio where a man had been ever since we got there, and probably for a while before that. he was wearing an olive lord of the rings shirt and looked like a bum. his long, stringy grey hair whisped out in places, and when he would ocassionally pass through the inside i noticed him looking at me. he was set up at a patio table with a coffee tumbler and some sort of notebook. i couldn't really tell.

the footaball type had a camcorder and his clear plastic water cup, and as he filmed he threw the water on the man, then threw the cup at his face. it bounced off of his forehead, and the group of walking testosterone left the restaurant laughing riotously. the man did nothing more than look at them.

for a while after they left and the man was sitting at his table, quiet and unmoving, doing whatever it was he had been, i stared at him through the darkened glass and felt awful. the way he moved and looked, you'd believe he was a bum. but it looked like he was working on something. maybe a time machine or a plot to take over the world.

not long after this transpired, he came back into the restaurant, walked over to our table, placed a folded business card in front of me, and walked back outside. cat and i stared at it for a while, and he started off about "weirdos." i opened it up to find this.

i asked, "did he call me a lame-o?" and cat laughed. he told me about a "weirdo" he saw on the bus earlier that day, and i laughed at his disgust. i wondered if he was actually affiliated with rent america, or if he passed these out for the hell of it. (that's something i could see myself doing.)

earlier one of the ticket writers drove past the office, saw me, backed up, and then stopped to silently say hello. he made a couple goofy faces then drove off. this is the guy who would talk to me for.ever. when i worked at pg3 all the time, since that's where all the boots are taken care off. he's mostly normal, just a big dork.

in one of my dreams last night i was in australia with james lunday, the carpenter on that tlc show "in a fix." i will admit i'm slightly in love with him, largely because of his accent and his arms, and the fact he can fix and build anything. his arms, though, you should seriously watch it to marvel at them. though i am an advocate of pallor, he has an even beautiful color. that impresses me, the lack of tan lines. he sounds like steve erwin, but he's so cute. i also have a thing for blue collars, the woefully middle class-er that i am.

anyway, in my dream we were just hanging out, and he took me to this bar that was right next door to his house. the drinking age was 18, so i asked what i should get (there are so many drinks with names i don't know). he excitedly suggested "a test tube of vodka," and i thought we were meant to be since vodka is my poison of choice. the bar was like a buffet, and when i reached the register the bartender was a french girl whom i could barely understand, so i just nodded at what she said. i asked for a test tube of vodka and got a giant shot glass that was four shots.

everyone ended up drunk. james was lying on a couch, and i was doing my best to get into his pants. i think he was married, though, so he was resisting slightly. i could see his will breaking down, but then layla called and woke me up.

later this afternoon i had a dream that lasted all of 30 seconds. i agreed to give a guy a ride somewhere, and when he got into my car i noticed he reminded me of jonathan. in the dream i made a "ew, this sucks" face then woke up with a gasp. waking up like that sucks. thus continues my streak of bizarre dreams involving boys (which started yesterday with owen's, one i can't remember since i got sick as soon as i awoke).

yesterday i said it was going to be the longest four days ever until i go to owen, and it's true. it's only thursday. :collapses: i realized if i just sleep all the time and do nothing else, the time will pass more quickly. too bad i'm addicted to the tv.

"still counting the days i've been without you. still counting the days since you've been gone."
<3, chelsea

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