memory lane
posted on August 06, 2004 @ 7:24 pm

last night i was going through a couple boxes of things i mean to keep. i was sure some could be thrown out, and i was right. i managed to get two boxes down to one.

i found a lot of interesting stuff of mine, dating back to first grade. a lot of writing and analyzation. here are two poems i wrote when i was ten:

"the beast of spring"
a dark, stormy day comes to an end
the sun is to set soon in the west
the day has been cloudy and unpleasent [sic]
unseasonably hot and very sticky
rumbling thunder is heard in the east
seen from the sky is a hovering beast
without warning; rampaging through the town
ripping up trees and houses by their roots
the beast is gone, we come out of the rubble
as the night slowly turns into day.

a tornado hit louiville [sic] hard
picking up trees, houses, and cars
when the tornado was gone
children ran to their moms
to be comforted but still left with scars.

obviously i was obsessed with tornadoes when i was younger, and note i've never used punctuation in my poetry. it's distracting, i think.

i also found two notebooks i'd drawn in when i was six.

also there's this:

the "garfield" above all my information was my attempt at cursive. i thought cursive letters looked the same as print, just connected. lots of smiley faces, too. note the spelling of "activities"�actevades.

and i found this, drawn when i was eight or nine.

i also found the book i made when i went to a daycare every other day in high school. it was the three-year-old room, which is the best.

cheyenne was the happiest kid i've ever seen. that picture was taken by reagan:

and those were taken by cheyenne. reagan wore mascara and gap kids. this disturbed me beyond words.

mason told me every day approximately 36 times just how much he loved me. he'd latch on and follow me wherever i went.

and one more because it's just the cutest damned thing i've ever seen.

i'd be perfectly content to only deal with children and never see another adult again.

ok that's all i bother you with. i thought it was cute.

<3, chels

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