big ol' kittie pictures
posted on July 06, 2004 @ 10:27 am

once again, lazy, working, tired, no resizing.

there's noodle, one of the stray cats. he's oh so pretty, but hasn't let me near him since the one time i pet him while he ate.

quite the contrast, here's the other. i wanted to name her berry since she's so little and round and fat like a little rasberry, but "barry" comes to mind when you say "berry." ben said i should name her raz, which made me think of razmataz. it's cute, though, calling her raz or razzie.

i brought out tima and janeane's brush after making sure raz doesn't have fleas. she loved it. she's still hesitant to approach me if i'm standing, or if my bag or keys make a loud noise or sudden movement. on the whole, however, i just crouch or sit and click my tongue, and she'll come. this morning when i opened my door on my way to work, i immediately heard her hungry cries. she's adorable and purrs so loudly.

they hang out together.

ti-mar in the window. i like her tilted head and wistful manner. she's such a little ham.

i went to target last night and got a remote (amongst other things). i didn't even have to program it; i just put in the batteries it came with and it automatically worked. bliss. hehe.

did you know there are 32 quarts in a bushel? if you go to coushatta, la, you can get a bushel of peas for $20, and a bushel of one-pound tomatoes for $33. keep that in mind the next time you're in the produce section. you may just want to head over to nana's home town instead.

<3, chels

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