cole's glaring at me from outside
posted on June 29, 2004 @ 3:22 pm

"float on," modest mouse
"the sound of settling," death cab for cutie
"this boy says it's fantastic," panda squad
"so says i," shins
"art is hard," cursive

last night as i drove from exodus to genesis, i had a very long internal conversation of an interesting, thoughtful topic.

i've since forgotten.

i actually got three hours of sleep last night, which is three times the amount the prior night. what's remaining of mine in my old apartment [genesis] will fit in one more car load, so all i've got to do is finish cleaning the floors and kitchen cabinets. it feels amazing knowing i'm so close to it all being over. i still have to talk to jennifer about her breaking two of my chairs, and i'm sure a good part, if not all, of our deposit will be kept because of her bleach stains on the carpet. she'll owe me a pretty penny, the lousy bitch.

hmm, that was a bit harsh.

i received an invitation to valerie and dana's last night, but i sided with better judgement for once and continued moving so i could get into bed. i still stayed up until 3:30 a.m., but i was 1) sober [and coloring] and 2) able to awake much easier than if i had been less than sober.

my new apartment [exodus] is a veritable obstacle course. i didn't have the energy to even eat last night, much less unpack, so things are just piled and stacked all over with small passageways. i discovered i broke the neck of my guitar. le sigh.

during work this morning, jennie and katie arrived at the idea to take pictures of the exiting procedure, inserting the ticket or sliding the access card. jennie took them on her phone, printed them out without color, and i retrieved my color box from the back seat of travis and went to work. (yes, i'm a dork for having a color box in my car at all times. i have three or four, though, so they should be at my disposal at all times and places.)

speaking of disposal, my garbage disposal (which for some reason reeks) is called "dispos-all." i find that highly clever.

anyway, i spent a couple hours coloring. everyone was impressed for some reason. i printed out a couple pictures from, of queenie-lou the beautiful swan, and dokidokiyummychums, whatever the fuck that is.

smiling fast food. i gave queenie-lou to liz for her pretty colorings she made for me:

ben got dokidokiyummychums for "moral support."

maybe i'll remember the meaningful thoughts i had last night. :scratches her head: bah.

jason: "so when's your boyfriend getting here?"
jennie: "you don't even know his name!"
jason: "no, i don't. is it eric?"
jennie: "owen!"
jason: "they both have four letters."
me: "and start with vowels."

back to coloring.

"does he know that place below your neck that is your favorite to be touched, and does he cry through broken sentences like 'i love you far too much'?"
<3, chels

arthur signing is very cool.

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