monkey! :scurries away:
posted on December 03, 2003 @ 6:35 pm

launchcast's 80s station

this entry is backward in chronology. just sos you know. if you want exciting police action, go to the end. the subject's from pirates of the carribean, when jack sees the monkey running away with the medallion.

someone just called me asking if i was the garage by the engineering buildings, and it sounded a lot like frank. something truly wrong is occuring considering i think i may be missing him.

also, late last night/early this morning whilst watching pirates of the carribean with jennifer, johnny reminded me of marc. i expressed my discomfort in that, considering i'd perpetuated the fad of girls liking not so morally well-to-do boys. jennifer said, "it happens." i just wish he hadn't kissed me. well, the one time on my lips and the one when he thought i was sleeping and kissed my ear. those are the ones with that bothersome lingering.

for some reason i had an urge to play battleship, so jennifer and i did while watching the original batman. i won. muwaha. chess be damned, this is my game of strategy. ;)

jennifer and i have gone to wal-mart the past two nights in a row. which, i suppose, isn't too surprising, but i ate at mcdonald's both nights. i can feel my arteries hardening as i type. last night jennifer offered to buy, though, and i can't turn down free food. the same guy was working, wes, who appears to be a manager. he's cute. ;) jennifer was thinking about getting chicken nuggets, so i retold my story about the last time i ate their chicken nuggets: i was ten, missed mary tyler moore because of going to the hospital, throwing up for five hours. wes told us about once when he'd had the flu and now won't eat a certain taco from taco bell because he threw up after eating it. "it wasn't because of it, of course, but it brings back memories."
":nodding: i've relied on burger king for my chicken nugget needs over the past ten years."

they're selling plastic plates with a comic map of texas on it, and jennifer and i marvelled that longview was on it. he said 73 thousand people counted as a large city. too bad hardly anyone in it is worth anything. on that note, did i mention derek IMed me? he did, and it made me happy. i'm glad i was up at the garage that saturday night just hanging out.

here is the opportunity to hear one of those priceless conversations betwixt jennifer and myself. as we were walking up to wal-mart, i saw a guy sitting on the bench outside. i asked, "dear god, is that a boy?"
"i think it may be."
"oh my god."
"you want to jump his bones, don't you?"
"i wanna jump him so hard."
"you want him to bend you over."
"he'd probably get it in the wrong hole."

he seemed gay, hence that last statement. but man oh man. something about the way he looked up close made me believe he wasn't, however. he was giving me this crazy intense stare.

here's another for fun:
me: "i keep looking at this picture thinking, man her boobs are huge! then i realize they're the same size as mine."
she: "ha!"

we stood around wal-mart for an hour waiting for them to put out pirates of the carribean at midnite. right now it's only $14.19, but we got it for $15.88, still cheap. we were one of the first people in the central time zone to own it. ;)

soo saturday night we had a party for steph's birthday; she turned the magical 21. i'm trying to remember who came...
matt (i think that was his name)
seven people i didn't know
is that all? i don't think so. 28 total from that, though.

there was lots of alcohol brought over by stephanie's people, and we all got pretty trashed. i insisted upon a birthday shot, mine being vodka. then when jared arrived he, jennifer and i took shots of everclear, and i consumed 16 ounces of orange kool-aid with some sort of alcohol and tons of everclear ryan poured into it later. noah lit up a joint in the living room, but it went quickly. at 12:43, there was a demanding knock on the door.

i did my patented open-the-door-and-hide-behind-it move so jennifer would have to talk to whomever it was, which we assumed was the police. jennifer handed me one of the drinks she was holding (thanks for blowing my cover) when the police started asking questions. ryan was at the door with us as jennifer told an elaborate tale of losing her ID and being in the process of receiving her new one, and when they asked her birthday she quickly replied "five twenty-nine eighty-two," which makes her 21. she was thoroughly drunk, however, so this all amazed me as i still hid behind the door with her cup protruding from the end and exposing me. everyone got really quiet, the stereo was turned down, and i heard one of the cops saying, "so i take it they know we're here. :chuckle:" they just told us to make some people leave or they'd give us a citation.

liz and her three friends left, and the four people i didn't know left. i turned off the stereo and kept it off all night, and jennifer and i "regulated" the inside and balcony. i remember walking through crowds of people shushing them with my finger to my lips, asking them to "quietize." it was really cute because when i did it, everyone did it in return. at one point i walked inside from the balcony, and my living room was engulfed with marijuana smoke. c'mon, guys, try and be discreet about it. the garage people and matt and holly, who were brought by jason, went up to my room to smoke. luis and nate came bounding in, and somehow luis broke my door. :sigh: oh well.

after having consumed so much pot, i got super exhausted. after dozing in cole's lap on the balcony, he, jared, katie and myself went to denny's. when we got back at 6:00 a.m., i had katie wake up steph and josh, who were passed out in my bed. mona started calling me from jennifer's bed, asking the code to get out. she was still drunk even after sleeping for a while, but she left anyway. nicole stayed sleeping in jennifer's bed, sylvia and jennifer slept on the futon, and noah slept in the recliner.

i'd jokingly told cole, "maybe if i go to bed, all the mess will be gone tomorrow?" miraculously, it was; nicole cleaned in the morning before she left. you should have seen the immense filth. i still had to scrub the blackened floor, but that was all.

steph says josh thinks i'm cool, which is apparently saying a lot since he doesn't like anyone. he and a few other of the boys were standing around my shelf of toys asking me where i got them, how much they were, what they were, etc. ad infinitum. i told steph, "tell him i've got over 200 video games and five different systems."
"he'll nut himself."

although i suppose by GBA counts as a system. but yeah, that was the past few days for me. huzzah for cops not checking IDs and arresting us all! we told our neighbors if it got too loud to just tell us, so now i hate them. even if it wasn't them who called. after the cops left, there was someone playing their guitar, echoing throughout the complex. why didn't they bother him?? oh well.

i'm going to start building up my self-steem piece by piece. i already like my eyes (cause i mean, c'mon, who's going to be like, "man your eyes are ugly!"), so now i'm working on my skin. facial at least. i think next i'll work on liking my boobs, which the gathering of people on the balcony concluded were nice. ;) this friday is placebooo!!!!! and afterward a possible drunken water balloon fight?

"i've lost my light, for i toss and turn, i can't sleep at night."
<3, chels.

this song is depressing.

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