my boyfriend's back, and there's gonna be trouble
posted on November 07, 2003 @ 4:40 pm

this afternoon i had a really terrible nightmare. i started going out with some guy. i don't remember his name � if he had one � and i can't really remember his face because it kept changing throughout the dream. in the beginning everything was ok and he was nice, and let me tell you we were doing it like bunnies thanks to me (he was rather repressed when we first met). somewhere in there i was sitting on a curb with jay and silent bob, said boyfriend threw a glass bottle in my direction, and i stepped on it. this sequence was sort of building up to the end, showing his transformation from innocent little one to sex crazed psychopath. i felt the pain of a chunk of glass going into my foot, though, and that sucked. lots o' blood.

toward the end we had sex again, and then he took a little steak knife similar to the ones we have and started cutting my arm with it. i didn't care at first because, you know, who am i to oppose bleeding. once he got this extremely crazy look in his eye and menacing tone (i don't remember what he was talking about) and wouldn't stop cutting me, i decided it was time to get the hell away from him. he wouldn't let me, though. he killed someone, and it was weird. there was a countdown of 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, and whoever had their birthday on that number would die. i don't know how anyone has a birthday on the 0th, but whatever.

somehow we got transported to my grandparents' house. he was busting out all these different types of swords and killing several people, myself barely escaping. i was wondering how i would die since mine's on the 20th, then wondered if i would be the one person to survive. i considered going to a neighbor, but i figured fate would draw me to number 3, the next person to be killed, and then i'd be found. i ran inside to the phone in the kitchen and called 911. i told her i needed police now, and she asked if i could hold. i told her there were four dead people in my yard, more will follow, and she started asking specific questions and telling me to stay on the line. i saw the guy walk past the living room window, at this point looking like � oh my god, i just placed his face. it was this guy i met during freshman orientation and had a class with my first semester. eerie.

anyway, that's when i finally woke up. jennifer had turned the heat on, and being warm makes me not wake up. plus i just couldn't get out of that dream even though i kept trying. the alarm was going off, and the noise of it was adding stress to the dream scene. it was 3:31 p.m. when i got up, so i was five minutes late to work.

when i got here, i must have looked disturbed because one of the day cashiers asked if i was all right. i told her i was having a nightmare and couldn't wake up, which was why i was late, so i was sick and tired and creeped out. she said not to worry and remember it was only a dream. she asked what it was about, and i told her, "you know, the usual, guy trying to kill everyone and me." she thought for a while and then remembered that means i have something unfinished in my life. :shrug: i have lots of loose ends.

when the supervisor tonight was talking to a cashier at another garage, she told her, "stay on the line with me." it freaked me out.

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