as copied and pasted
posted on October 18, 2003 @ 10:35 pm

"the proud family" on disney

there was a parade that crossed the highway on my way home, so traffic was blocked. i had to turn onto the parade route and piss off cops and nearly run over the people waiting in the street so i could go around (via an unpaved road full of craters which totally raped travis) the blocked intersection. it's like people in east texas aren't even the same species as the rest of civilization. who the fuck stops traffic on a highway on a saturday afternoon, a prime time for travel? the dumb shits up here. jesus. i'll be dreaming of mushroom clouds over the region tonight.

doug was being jerk-y about me using the computer earlier, so as i tried to catch my breath and slow my pulse whilst reading the austere academy, i just started sobbing. if i get back monday and oobi's dead, i'm going to hate myself so much.

i don't even know why i bother coming up here anymore. i just end up crying for (+/-)three days. i even left my drugs at home.

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