...tell me where have you been
posted on September 03, 2003 @ 10:04 pm

"ballad of a paralyzed citizen," the faint

my dad was really cute when he was my age; he still was when i knew him. he had salt and pepper hair (he started greying in his late 20s, a little over a decade ago). his teeth have had a greyish tint since he was a child, and he's very self-conscious about it. in their wedding photo, his mouth is barely open in his smile. he has big lips, just like mom, but they're still a bit smaller than mine. he took me to get my ears pierced twice even though mom told him not to. :grin:

he'll be 41 on december 6th, and i really want to send him something. i think i may. he moves annually (i've got that itch to not stay in one place, too, to run to another interesting place instead, have you noticed?), so i don't know where to send anything. i could send it to the tiny post office in bethany, louisiana, where he was postmaster last time i knew, but that could have changed as well. there are 12 oakeses in the yahoo's shreveport directory, but none of them are mitchell (his first name) or jay (his middle name, like mine only minus the e, you know). i'll probably send it to his mother in stonewall, a small town 10 miles outside of shreveport. if you go down mansfield road first you hit keithville, about eight miles out, then stonewall.

anyway, yeah. i thought i'd mix up my complaints. i don't really have many as of late; i haven't had a manic phase since january, so hopefully i'm due one and it'll last. we'll see i suppose.

Because in some men it is in them to give up everything personal at some time, before it ferments and poisons � throw it to some human being or some human idea. They have to. In some men it is in them � The text is 'All men seek for Thee.' Maybe that was why � maybe �

<3, chelsea.

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