do you think of me like i dream of you?
posted on August 13, 2003 @ 8:08 pm

so last night i had a dream. i almost always remember my dreams, but last night's bothered me. i'll pick up from where i began remembering.

my mom, nana, papaw and myself were in a ritzy store. i found a plastic exploding dog ring with japanese on it, and when the woman told mom it'd cost seven dollars, mom got pissed off. "it's plastic!" she yelled. we had already had enough of the woman running the store, her attitude and not to mention prices, so i began lecturing her on how she was furthering the degradation of society by perpetuating unrealistic standards, i.e. charging seven dollars for a plastic ring because it was "cool," and only having clothes to fit the anorexic at unpayable prices at her store.

apparently i pissed her off quite a bit. she transformed from a middle-aged woman in a black business suit and hair in a bun into this "hot" (i put it in quotes because she was the blonde bimbo type) chick bent on torturing me and every other girl around. my family disappeared, and i was left running, trying to find a hiding place. it was sort of like a video game, with things randomly exploding and exposing me.

i made my way to the storage area in the back of the store, which was a gigantic warehouse. as i ran through, i tried to convince all the workers to run with me, to leave or at least hide. i finally won over one short man in his thirties wearing a hard hat, olive green t-shirt and jeans, and he ran with me. once the others saw he believed me, everyone was trying to escape or hide. i could see (through that convenient third person perspective dreams have) the woman bursting through the warehouse doors, and suddenly she was in front of me.

new scene with random pillars of flame throughout the warehouse, the only source of light. the workers were either lying around dead or forced to watch what the woman was doing to us. with me were about twenty other girls, some as young as fourteen or fifteen but none much older than me. we were all in corsets that go up to beneath our breasts, and the woman took us one by one to torture us. i only saw one other girl before i went up there. there was half a cage up, shaped like a backward L: one piece of black fencing was behind her, the other attached perpendicularly at the right end of it. she tied me up by my wrists, with them above my head, and just started hurting me. i can't remember exactly how, but whatever she was doing wasn't actually as gruesome as she wanted it to appear. she wanted the ones watching to be absolutely terrofied to even approach her. she laid me down on my stomach and pretended to sew me up (like in seven, you know), but she did nothing more than stick the needle into my flesh a few times. which, you know, hurt a lot, but nothing like being sewn up. i could see the horror in the other girls' faces but couldn't tell them it wasn't really happening.

[i think all of this was spawned by accidentally dripping hot wax on myself last night and thinking of how people do that to each other.]

when she was finished with me, she sent me to the other side of the attached fencing where i was tied by my wrists again next to the first girl. we began talking, but i don't remember about what. one by one, all the other girls were moved to our stretch of fencing and tied.

[my conscious mind that knew this was a dream was aware enough to process, man, this is hot. :grin:]

another new scene. the girls were gone, the warehouse was gone, and i was in a dimly lit room filled with many people sitting on the floor. apparently someone had found us and rescued us, but the woman had gotten away. i found a group of people from high school, including this boy. infinite amounts of joy and bliss arose as they noticed me and sympathized. he spread his legs apart, and i sat between them with my back to him. he wrapped his arms around me and lay against me, nuzzling my back occasionally.

yet another new scene. jennifer and i are eating in a restaurant in a mall type thing; it has its own parking garage. in the middle of my chicken fried steak (i can't remember anymore what she was eating), two doctors approach and ask us if we want to be tested for something. we went, and it involved some strange sort of thing inserted into one's vagina.

[i think this was because i started bleeding enough to need tampons last night.]

so the results come back, and it says i have no vitamin d whatsoever in my system, and my sugar count is 195 (it should be 80-120). the woman told me i was diabetic and needed to drink milk to get vitamin d.

all of this was rather time consuming, but our food was still there. he shows back up in a panic, saying he has a feeling we should leave. suddenly we're street level, and red flashing lights appear on the brick of the restaurant. we realized it was a countdown, and in four seconds the restaurant exploded. third person dream perspective told us it was the woman who had been torturing me and the other girls, still out for her revenge. the lights blinked quickly then transfered to the garage next to it, attached to it. it started out at forty-something, but instead of counting down it counted up. she was letting you know that it was going to explode, but did you have time to find your car first?

i wanted to go find my car just to get things out of it, like my cell phone and my cds, but he wouldn't let me (we were engaged). we and jennifer started running around the garage to get away from it, and on the other side we found the warehouse and lots of workers standing outside. the sky had completely clouded over causing it to appear as if the sun had just gone down, that dark where you can't see much but the headlights of your car are still not of much help. on this side, i thought i saw travis (you know, my car) and started crying when i realized the bombs had already gone off and one of the support structures had crushed him. he and jennifer tried consoling me, then jennifer pointed out it wasn't even travis.

the bomb lights have transferred to the warehouse, and people are going inside to fetch things and other workers. he started helping, and i was holding jennifer's hand trying not to collapse with worry. with ten seconds left, someone he knew was still inside. i started sobbing and begging him not to go inside, but he did anyway. the warehouse exploded with him and many others still inside.

[i think the red lights were from an episode of "she spys" i saw like 10 minutes of, where there were red blinking lights around them ready to set off bombs if they moved.]

yeah so that's that.

<3, chelsea.

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