your body still remembers things you told it to forget
posted on May 06, 2003 @ 8:46 pm

"jerry," mustard plug
"no easy way down," carole king

today last year was dramatic, as were most the days last year. today last year was the day i discovered my laptop had three different viruses infecting 25 files. i made five cds, three comps and two modest mouse ones. i had this nice quote from le petit prince:

voici mon secret. il est tr�s simple : on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

then i talked about how i'm comfortable being fucked up because then nothing shocks me. "when i'm happy, i'm blinded, and the smallest thing kills me. well, now i'm dead, so nothing can kill me. ha. and i love it."

i also had this conversation:
Reine des Pixies: i've always wanted to take [a roadtrip] by myself
Reine des Pixies: i want to take pictures of powerlines
jonathan, talking over aim: why?
Reine des Pixies: just inches from being directly in front of them, when you can see all of them in the distance. they look like they go on forever, and for some reason that's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.

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