another day staring at the ceiling
posted on January 21, 2003 @ 1:29 pm

in history today we were talking about sound changes. it was really scary, though, because suddenly it sounded like an airplane took off of 21st. seriously. it was so loud, and everyone just looked around. "hope that's not coming for us," blockley said. she mentioned pugilist. just trust me and replace the p with f and the g with k. i thought it was interesting that it's heritage is violence.

if anyone ever said they wanted to "fuck" me, or mentined that in any sort of way, i'd punch them in the face. maybe i am starting to believe that i'm better than all that bullshit i used to live with.

just a moment ago i was thinking of the staples in my life. i don't think i like routine at all, but there are certain things i have to see and/or experience on a regular basis to feel content. like the blonde guy who works at planet k behind my apartment. right now he's fixing a racing video game. there's a mexican guy down there sometimes, too. the flower guy at riverside and i-35. eating toast with butter and garlic powder. pancakes. the blinking red towers. the chick who comes to PG4 every day i work (and presumably every other day) named kahn. the older lady who frequents PG4 who hates cold weather and knows i love it. the plant on the lake. the sound of my fan when i sleep. the way cat's house (and cat) smell and the way layla's apartment smells. shannon always smelled like that perfume happy. getting to be near a boy and get a whiff of him (only if it's pleasant, though ;P). picking someone's nose and not having them recoil in disgust. rolling around in the floor with jennifer, mocking tima (she's in heat). giving tima and janeane british accents. our theme weeks (this week's ghetto week cuza mlk day. represent!). saving an ant here and there. the indescribable enthrallment when i get a new cd. finding things to do in the middle of the night, like sweeping glass out of the parking lot so no one gets a flat. the smell of the metro (coffee and cigarettes). laughing at jokes like, "then there was the termite who sauntered into a saloon and asked, 'is the bar tender here?'"

i guess it's just little things, little things no one else seems to appreciate. maybe that's why i can make it through the day now. i'm not thinking about the things i don't have or can't experience. everything in my life is turned up a little.

"just breathe. i'm used to it by now."
<3, pyx.

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