i tried...
posted on December 03, 2002 @ 4:08 pm

this is the third time i've tried to write in here; let's see if this time it actually works. i've been so unmotivated to do so, but since i'm half asleep maybe i can manage to spit something out.

sunday night jennifer and i put up the xmas stuff. we've got a 4.5' tree, and i put garland over the patio door and a string of multi-colored lights across the railing on the balcony. i've got to look the next time i'm out driving and see if i can see it. though my sources confirm the xmas holiday is the most depressing time of the year for us disturbed, it's still hard for me to be completely upset all the time. i mean, i still feel my normal amounts of unsettled, but when i see decorations and lights it triggers something inside. i think i have a thing with lights, like the blinking red towers? i dunno. i remember being on top of the petroleum building with justin hutchison while it was lightning but there was no thunder. there were blinking lights all around from street lights, radio towers, and then there was the flash of the lightning. it was great.

last night layla was talking about how everything's "poopie" for her, how she wants to talk to stefan but can't. i pointed out the similarity of my situation, and she said things were poopie for both of us.

~big huge gap~

well, i started this almost three hours ago, so i'm going to give up and finish later.

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