everytime i look at you
posted on May 07, 2002 @ 4:15 am

"please forgive me," david grey (in my head)


There's a star in the sky,
for every wish she's ever made,
to just be normal,
even if she's not quite sure what that is.
And there's a star in the sky,
for every tear she's ever shed,
streaking soft beautiful cheeks,
and spattering her pillow.
There's a star in the sky,
for every scar she's got,
on her skin and in her heart,
that won't ever go away.
And there's a star in the sky,
for every night that she's laid awake counting them.


for some reason when i read that tonight i almost started crying (like i did the first time i read it). i think it's because i actually saw in writing, "i'll always believe i'm a mentally diseased whore." so if you'll excuse me, i must go lie in bed and cry now. =/

another wasted breath, again it goes unnoticed. i'll wait until tomorrow. maybe you'll feel better then. it seems worth the wait to see your smile again. out of the corner of your eye won't be the only way you'll look at me then.

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