koreans and vacuums and illness, oh my!
posted on Sunday, Jul. 29, 2007 @ 02:01

against all previously established patterns, friday afternoon i actually returned a phone call, to someone i haven't seen in six years no less. after talking to him for around 20 minutes with no lag in conversation, i felt a lot more comfortable hanging out with a relative stranger. since he's only been in town for a few months, i took him to wok n roll. they just give you so much food for so little money, and it's like crack too. i love those guys. john said, "taking me to a chinese place because i'm asian. that's thinking real deep there." it actually didn't occur to me. he's korean anyway. get off my back!

while we were there, i said something about being stoned (names omitted to protect the guilty!), and the guy at the table in front of us turned around and said, "drugs are bad!" there with the noticeable silence before we all erupted in laughter. i told him, "you had me panicking. am i back in east texas? where are drugs bad?" john came back and hung out at our apartment for a few hours and finally succumbed to the cuteness of janeane and tima. everyone always does. i couldn't believe how little he is now. not that he was ever big; he's always been thin. he's made a transition from thin to skinny, though. it was weird.

today owen and i welcomed a new member to our humble little family.

we went to fry's this afternoon knowing they have quite a few to look at. a couple of guys who work there walked up to me while i was disassembling one and asked if i needed help or had questions. when i told them no, one said, "would you like to buy one of each of these and tell us how they work?"
me: "yeah, sure, if you sponsor me."
csr: "i don't know if i could do that. how about you jonathan?"
me: "come one, don't you have a few thousand dollars lying around?"
jonathan: ":laughs: uh...no."

after a few minutes, csr jonathan returned with a couple who were probably in their late 30s, early 40s. the woman is spouting off about dysons, and it was clear the guy didn't want to spend that much money. i was still on my knees manhandling a dirt devil when they came up beside me. i looked up at the male prospective buyer and said, "dysons aren't that great. they don't really out-perform like they say. [dramatic near-whisper] don't let them lie to you!" the guy was smiling and actually looked like he was considering what i said when his wife piped in, "well 70 of my friends are in love with them."
me: ":chortle: yeah, and i bet they buy i-pods, too. those people are insane. what idiots."
couple: [stare]
csr jonathan: [grins]

the best part is i'm wearing my red shirt covered in rainbow hearts. i feel that softens my intense rudeness...hahaha

why do people buy into gimmicks? i just don't get it. do they not realize there are better products out there? now i'm not saying my $170 bissell ($149 with best buy coupon) is a fantastic vacuum; my only judge is the shitty one we already have. but come on, people. unless you're living in a construction zone, you don't need one that costs $500. but it nevar loses suction lulz! christ, and don't get me started on apple. i could write a whole page on what a piece of shit an iphone is with my limited techie knowledge.

we went to see sicko tonight, and i nearly cried twice. it's great as i anticipated it to be, and it does have several very funny moments in it. the whole thing is just ridiculous to me. my preference (in order of practicality) of new homes is canada=>england=>france. in an ideal world where i never forgot all my foreign language training and i had several thousand dollars to spend on moving, that list would be reversed. owen said once you leave the country, your debt pretty much disappears. that in and of itself is reason enough to pack up and move off to vancouver. did you know national health care included teeth? do you know how many years i've lived in pain because i can't afford to fix my teeth? do you realize this pain is still ongoing? do you realize fucking CUBA can provide free health care despite the fact they have so few means as a country? i fucking hate the goddamn states. but i'm too BURIED IN DEBT to leave. :sigh:

'What can I do?' - SiCKO

please? you have no idea how much debt i'm i because of my teeth. i take care of them, and they still need help. i'm still thousands of dollars away from full recovery. it's going to take years. if you can't do it for your grandmothers, do it for me. i'm doing it for you.

anyhoo, this whole subject gets me very upset so i'm going to just shut up now. bleh. time to watch an eye for an eye, the thrilling 1981 chuck norris flick. what's funny is that on tvguide.com a sally field movie called eye for an eye (note the lack of "an") is advertised. chuck norris would rape sally field and make her like it. oh man, a gigantic asian guy just picked up a VW bug with a guy inside. god bless 3:00 a.m. public programming.

<3, chels

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