"a secret adventure is in store for you."
posted on Friday, Feb. 08, 2008 @ 08:17

this morning i woke up to the sound of streaming water. i figured it was raz really pushing it out in her litter box, but then it kept going. and going. and going. i walked toward the vanity and saw our sink filled with water, the tap trickling more as i watched, and water pouring off the counter into the cabinetry and carpet. at that moment banging started at the door. i threw on my robe and opened the door for the maintenance woman to rush in.

"do you have a plunger?!"
"um, yeah, in that sack by the toilet."
and she went at the sink like a surgeon to a ruptured appendix. seconds later, as water cascaded everywhere, black specks shot up from the bowels of our plumbing and the water drained instantly. i grimaced and groaned.

she explained it was dripping downstairs through their ceiling fan, and had been for a while. she asked me to get up as much of the water as i could while they cleaned downstairs. they'd return later today to clean in here. the only thing i can imagine is owen inadvertently leaving it barely running, but there's still no way that much water should amass in less than an hour.

as i removed all of the jewelry, containers, and my flat iron, moving them to a towel underneath our ceiling fan and throwing away what i couldn't salvage, i was met with a smug piece of paper. i grabbed the sopping chinese fortune and fervently threw it into the trash.

this is not a good way to start the weekend.

anti-<3, chels

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