w00+ worker's comp!
posted on Tuesday, Jul. 24, 2007 @ 23:45

this morning while i was scraping a sticker someone had put on one of our signs, the box cutter slipped and sliced open my finger. it was on a diagonal and went like half an inch into my finger; you could see the adipose tissue poking out of the hole when i bent it. i cupped my other hand beneath it, and in the 20 seconds it took me to get to the bathroom, my palm was filled with blood. my blood's a great color.

i was fine until people started crowding in the bathroom. i was bent over the sink listening to ros and jeff talk about how i need stitches, and i started crying. i couldn't help it. i can't afford the hospital, and i just wanted everyone to shut up and realize it's just a cut!

jeri came in with blanca and paperwork and signed some form about insurance, so i didn't have to pay anything. blanca and i just had 2.5 hours of paid time chilling in brack's ER. i could hardly get the bandages off because jeri put them on so damn tight! it still ended up bleeding through both of them. when the nurse ER saw it, she said i did a good job. why thank you. ^_^

i got two stitches, but i really think i needed three. when the guy pulled out the giant needle, blanca gasped. she told me once he left, "i'm watching this needle and him flushing it out and sewing you up and thinking, 'stop! you're hurting her!'" (: she said when he injected the anesthetic my finger bulged really fat. the only part that hurt, though, was the antiseptic he put on it. man, that was uncomfortable. the needle didn't feel quite as bad, though. i like pain in situations like that, though; it lets me know it's working. that's why i like listerine. when i'm finished and my mouth's tingling, i know nothing is alive in there!

it started bleeding again after we left. thankfully it was after i got out of blanca's pretty new jeep. i could feel something weird on my fingers, and when i looked down blood was dripping down off the tips. i had to throw away one of my aftercare sheets cause it was covered in blood. (: as i was rushing to the bathroom with this pool of blood collecting on my paper, i passed the vending guy (another jeff) who gave me this awful look. ha! blanca hooked me up with band aids she had, though. i'm so happy i don't work with jerks. well, with the exception of the final jeff, company computer guy. i discovered, however, that he's squeamish, so i was going into great detail about the cut, the blood, and the stitching while he's writhing around.

on my way home, where he gave me the shot started turning purple, and i lost feeling from the stitches to my knuckle. i was panicking there was some sort of residual nerve damage setting in or something, but that went away thankfully. at least i just bought some cool new ninja turtle band aids!

<3, chels

(the dots are where it begins and ends. it makes a curve like a giant fingernail gouged me.)

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