yeah, well, louisiana HATES YOU TOO!
posted on Friday, Feb. 09, 2007 @ 11:25

"faithfully," journey
"walking away," catch 22

Mom gave teen a gun for revenge slaying

even worse than the story are the responses when you click on "what do you think?" i don�t understand why people have to be such prejudice bastards. honestly, i make a lot of insensitive racial and ethnic jokes, and i do it toward every possible denomination including us whities. but i don�t do it in public, and there�s no sincerity behind it. its taboo is what makes it funny to disturbed individuals like me.

furthermore, where do people get off talking trash about louisiana? i know personally it�s full of many backward-thinking people, but they�re not all like that crazy "i�m god�s warrior" lady on that show "trading spouses," and they�re not all black criminals. GAH! i want to move to europe. isn�t everyone there happier with each other? ;(

all this southern louisiana hatred is ridiculous, especially how it seems to be only targeted at the black people. i�m sure i�m taking it harder because it�s louisiana. i just can�t comprehend how uncaring everyone acts toward these people, even if only on some internet message board. on "trading spouses," the lady who replaced the crazy christian lady was really into helping Katrina victims, and she also was black, which didn�t set well with the crazy christian lady�s friends. one of the white chicks was like, "well it�s been a year. they can get a job flippin� burgers at wendy�s or mcdonald�s. they should be back on their feet by now."

the black chick pointed out, "it may have taken their whole lives to get where they were before katrina. they can�t rebuild that in a year."

as a self-proclaimed insane louisianian, you better back the hell off and think twice before talking shit about my home. i've gotten "loser-ana" and "lowsy-ana" plenty of times since moving to texas. all i'm saying is don't fuck with people who are down with voodoo.

<3, chels

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