the great blizzard of 07 part II!
posted on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007 @ 12:22

owen and i didn't have to work today either! actually i think it would have been fairly impossible; owen cut his thumb just trying to get his car door handle to work. at least he got one of my nifty bacon bandaids.

since my shithead neighbor finds it necessary to play loud music early in the morning, i've been up for a while. as a result, we trekked across the street to the BP for supplies (i.e. ginger ale, muffins, and stuff for chocolate malts).

there's always ice coming out of this gutter when it freezes. i'm a sucker for these trite pictures, too.

i'm so happy i finally have an apartment on the first floor. i've fallen too many times in the past.

poor evelyn. she's encased in about half an inch of ice all over. you can see water beginning to melt in little air pockets underneath the ice. it's pretty disgusting because it looks like worms crawling all over the windshield.

this is the part of our pedestrian gate that is supposed to have a handle and keypad. since they're unable to purchase an alarm system that actually works, our gate just never locks. fabulous. anyway, i thought the texture of it looked like a turtle. you can see the ice starting to crack after owen's repeated slamming. usually it vibrates really loudly, but now it's just a dull thud.

the hinge on aforementioned pedestrian gate.

obviously our trash hasn't been picked up in a few days. there's even some more to the left.

the back of the BP. our building has some hardcore icicles on it, but without the powers of my 8 megapixel camera i couldn't capture them too well so high up.

i like how there's ice all around the sun.

i broke off that icicle from the BP sign. it was freaking huge, like a foot long.

walking in the grass is really loud. a guy on the news said it was like walking on marbles, which is pretty true. it's hard to keep your footing.

by the BP. i like how it looks like it's up against a backdrop. the sky's really pretty today.

<3, chels

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