the flu blues
posted on Sunday, Dec. 31, 2006 @ 20:03

the episode of "charmed" where the titans come back

friday was the worst day of my life thusfar. on xmas eve owen's mom was really sick with what seemed to be a 24-hour bug, but it lingered longer. then thursday (the 28th) owen's dad got it, too. i was hoping since, you know, i wasn't sharing a bed with owen's mom that i would be okay, but nooooo. friday morning at 3 a.m. we all got up and ate breakfast. on our way to the airport i started feeling sick to my stomach. i shrugged it off to little sleep, being up so early, eating hot pockets with sausage and egg in the middle of the night. we got to the airport just in time for our plane (we had an old itinerary that had our plane scheduled half an hour later), and on the hour and half flight to detroit i started feeling much worse.

we only had a few minutes in detroit to get to our new plane, and i was moving slowly because i was nauseous. i didn't even have time to stop at the hudson news and buy something stupid. i'll have to order a dumb zipper pull for the sake of having it.

finally on that two and a half hour flight from deroit to houston i puked. four times. at first it was standard fleshy puke color. then it was neon yellow, conceivably from those hot pocket scrambled eggs. i managed to make it to the bathroom three of those times, but the last time we were too close to landing. the stewardesses were really nice to me, always asking if i was okay while i was in there puking. one let me go ahead and sit in the last row, which was unoccupied. she gave me a bag for recyclable trash, and i puked in it as we were landing. the girl sitting next to owen (we were in a 737, three seats on each side) started freaking out when she heard me. there was a certain poetry, though, to the stewardess welcoming us to the george h. bush intercontinental airport and me retching in the background.

in houston we had to go to a totally different concourse, and i was barely walking. i got onto a moving sidewalk and nearly lost my balance. i stood in line forever to buy a bottled water just so i could get a plastic sack to puke in. good call on my part; about two minutes later i puked. we were on another moving sidewalk, but i managed to keep it in til i was on stable ground. puked up some more neon yellow goo, then it was off to a train and our plane to austin. last call, by the way. we nearly missed it.

this half-hour trip from houston to austin turned into greater than four hours. first we were stuck in houston replacing some part and waiting for the austin airport to open for a couple of hours; it was closed because of the thunderstorm. then when we got there after being told it was open, they wouldn't let us land. we circled in the air for 45 minutes, then had to land in san antonio to refuel. we sat in san antonio for an hour, me continually puking in a barf bag and having to hear the women in front of me talk about how sorry they felt for me. it was in san antonio that i also started having liquid poo.

when we finally got in the air and to austin again, they told us the landing strips were closed (the strip club was open, though!). the pilot said something about using some old strip that wasn't used, i dunno, i was puking. on our way down, if i hadn't been puking, i would have feared for my life. i have never been in so much terrifying turbulence; i was being thrown around my seat hardcore. we finally landed, and everyone on the plane started cheering and yelling. me? i was puking yet cheerful.

when in the airport, i chugged half a liter of water the stewardess gave me to induce vomiting; i needed to get it out of my system to i could walk to baggage claim and to the car. the bathroom doesn't have a door, just a huge barrier to walk around, so my puking echoed throughout the entire airport. rockin'.

the next excellent part of this day was having to walk from the terminal to the parking lot in the pouring rain of a thunderstorm. i so nearly made it home without puking, but as we turned onto burnet road from 183, it let loose. owen stopped at the bp to get me a cup of ice, and this time my puke was pale yellow and filled with blood and little chunks of tissue. i'm thinking my horrible bronchitis or whatever the hell was killing me in PA and the puking for 12 hours really worked a number on my esophagus.

i only puked a couple of times once we got home. it was deep ninja turtle green, then a pale pea green the last time. that was the middle of the night between friday and saturday, and i haven't puked since. i've eaten some chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese (light on the cheese) since then, and had a diet coke, so i think i'm done puking. hopefully.

while i was sleeping friday on the couch i heard owen puke. it was a really awesome forceful one because he was only puking liquids, no food. i had some serious projectile vomiting when i was puking up liquids. man, they're insane.

the reason i'm thinkin we had the flu is because all day yesterday we could. not. move. i can only go by what he told me, but personally, i was in pain like none other. it felt like i had been kicked and trampled by a horse. my head, neck, throat, and back were all killing me. whether i was moving or lying still, the pain was the same. i also developed a serious migraine. magically i managed to keep down both my whore pill and two doses of ibuprofen. this really helped my fever, too. i woke up a disgusting sweaty mess this morning but feeling much better.

i'm still disoriented, and i'm sure this entry is rambling. it looks long judging by the little scroll bar over there. i'm going to get back to my "charmed" marathon and pray the neighbors remain quiet so i can feel cruddy in peace. happy new year!

<3, chels

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