dear owner of mcdonald's on mlk...
posted on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005 @ 14:47

Is it a prerequisite that in order to work for McDonald's you must be an idiot? The entire English language notwithstanding, the employees need to receive a thorough translation of the word "plain." I ask for my burgers plain, it's repeated back to me that way, and it's printed on my receipt. The workers are no better than apes mimicking sign language, however, because half the time my order is wrong. I've gone there and returned to work without checking, and since it's wrong I have nothing to eat all day because I can't leave work again. Today I wasted 20 minutes of my lunch hour just trying to get my cheeseburger plain. Yes, I could go elsewhere, but I work at UT. McDonald's is close and fast, plus I have the right to pay money for a product that is as I specified. My favorite encounter with the intelligent staff is the time a couple years ago when I ordered cheeseburgers - nothing special, not even plain - and got home to find buns, cheese, the works...and NO MEAT. Sadly, this isn't just about your McDonald's, however. It's every McDonald's. At least now I've gotten to the point where I'm just going to stop the masochism and bring my lunch to work.

[yes, the no meat thing did actually happen, but it happened while we were living in shreveport. i was nine or ten, and it happened at the one on mansfield road. doug new the manager of the place (one of his best friend's brothers), so we got lots of free food. ;)]

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