you knothead
posted on Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005 @ 22:31

"comtine d'un autre �t�: l'apr�s midi," am�lie ost

my papaw has always called me a knothead, and he still does. the reality of it, though, is that i am a knothead.

when i was a wee thing, like two or three or something, i was hauling tail through the house. my dad had left his shoes out in the living room, and when i hit one of them SLAM right into the corner of the wall.

my mom was alone with me, as she always was during traumatic physical accidents. my head ballooned out so big she says she feared it would pop. after rushing me to the hospital, she was told that swelling was a blessing; if it had swelled inside it could have caused brain damage.

to this day i have a knot on my forehead in the place where i smacked into the wall that night. if the light's just right, you can see it plainly. most of the time i have to point it out to people, though.

<3, chels

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