"there's a big difference between 'what do you want to eat?' and 'my arm kinda hurts from jacking you off, dot dot dot.'"
posted on Monday, Apr. 25, 2005 @ 09:24

today's quote of the weekend brought to you by myself. let your imaginations run free.

amazingly enough, i was social friday night. of course, my neighbor decides he wants to be loud on saturday, but oh well.

friday night owen and i went to barnes and nobles so i could get 120 days of sodom and other writings by marquis de sade. i was reading up on bizarre french writers that afternoon at work, all because i visited the charlie and the chocolate factory site, what's there for now at least.

i went to the movie ratings site and searched for NC-17 movies. the first one was ma m�re, based upon a novel by georges bataille who also wrote story of the eye. so i started checking out relevant lists of weird books on amazon and came across the torture garden, which sounds wonderful. unfortunately no book store in town has it, so i'll have to order it.

anyhoo, after reading reviews of marquis de sade, i realized he's a pretty vile individual and thusly fell in love with him. so, as i was saying, we went to barnes and nobles and i bought the 120 days of sodom and other writings. i also got for sarah the 9th series book, a little kit about astrology where you can create your own birth chart and horoscopes, and a book about divination. it looked cool cause it's got all sorts of weird stuff like phrenology in it, and it was only $6! hopefully mom won't have a cow like when i made that fire altar. i also got a bookmark that says, "make the most of yourself, for that's all there is of you," an emerson quote i really love.

cole, a.k.a. colio (to me at least) called around 11 that night as i was reading about duc de blangis's member like that of a veritable mule and invited me to valerie and dana's. though i was tired and nestled in for some literary perversion, i went because i love my fellow cashiers!

we played several drinking games involving cards, but little did they know i didn't actually have alcohol in my coke. ;) i took a shot when i got there, but i really didn't feel like drinking. i was super-tired, and my stomach felt a little icky.

owen and i agree this would have been a nice picture of cold had he stood still. it still came out well, though. he needs to have the epiphany that jordan had: if you pose for a picture, they come out much better than my stealth shots.

you don't want to know what valerie's been doing in this shirt. actually, according to her, it's mylanta, which is still funny.

two adorable boys. mitch was being mischevous and broke cole's favorite mug to use there. owen just realized he was in the shot and left, but ha! my camera plans for such actions.

jason was playing with mitch, a box, and a cat toy for a long. time. since i stopped in the middle of uploading pictures, these two are the only ones i have to share at the moment. i'm sure you know what a cat jumping out of a box looks like anyway. you can see jason playing at the bottom of valerie's picture.

owen and i went to the macaroni grill saturday afternoon and got the same waiter we had the last time we went, a week or so ago. he remembered me because i ordered the same thing (cheese ravioli, no pesto), so he got an extra dollar on his tip. (:

oh, earlier saturday owen showed me this site he'd mentioned before to me. it's called guro-chan, and, though non-work appropriate like the link in the previous entry, 2/3 of it is pretty cool. it's got weird-ass hentai that includes people cut up and weird aliens busting out of them, but the other 1/3 is scat, which is just not cool to me. don't interpret my saying it's "cool" as me actually being aroused by drawings of naked chicks cut up into pieces. i just like it cause i <3 gore, and, well, i <3 boobs. it worries me people really are turned on by this, but hopefully engaging in its animated form keeps them from doing it in real life. granted, we had sex after i went through the entire site sans scat (some of the pictures are very pretty wallpaper material, just bloody, no naked), but i don't think it was directly related.

that night, as aforementioned, our lovely neighbor in 109 was playing his music loudly, so we ventured forth around 10 p.m. we went to the heb and blockbuster, then to mozart's. after sitting on the deck and making fun of people for a while, we got home around midnight.

at this point his television was blaring. i took a shower and watched "milk-chan" on tv with owen, and at 1 a.m. when we went to bed he was still being loud. i knocked on the wall like one would knock on a door; no scary pounding like last time. i waited a minute or two and did it again. the second time, he hit the wall once, very hard, and didn't turn it down. in the interest of my blood pressure i gave up and tried to just focus on the am�lie soundtrack.

yesterday we watched all that i rented saturday night: being john malkovich, the grudge (while the sun was still up, of course), and secretary. mmm, james spader.

jason had asked if my tongue and lip rings would help in giving blow jobs. i could only affirm the tongue, but i can now let inquiring minds know that yes, the lip helps too. the more you know. [insert psa rainbow here]

<3, chels

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