part deux
posted on March 03, 2005 @ 1:29 pm

well. anyway. the second attempt at nin tickets will be tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. jason and i are going to try for stubb's, but i'll also have ticketmaster open to the houston show. it's in an ampitheater, so it should take a few minutes to sell out. i'll get us all tickets, and we can take a couple days off to relish in the trent-ness. even if the tickets are forever away, i have to be there. i have to be in the same room (no matter how large it is) with trent and jeordie.

there's this comic called badmash that mysteriously started showing up in my inbox one day. i had no idea or where it came from, but it's usually pretty funny so it's okay. this is the one i got today:

the other night i google searched (note: "google searched," not "googled," ugh) "ass." i suppose this needs explanation. then again, maybe not, cause i'm just a fucking weirdo. anyway, i saw on this website one of the most frequent searches people found them through was "butt." i was wondering what one would find doing such a search, so i did it. the pictures were pretty mild, so i did ass to see if they got raunchier. they did, a little, but i found a picture of this little comic. the website's natalie dee, and it's amusing. i was reading through the Q&A even, that ultimately is just an advice column.

one of the comics was this:

god knows i despise people in volvos, and i am definitely a cat person, but just that day owen and i had been talking about the splendors of owning a washer and dryer.

well i thought i had more things to say, but i have a headache. time to return to staring at my computer and wondering what i can do until time to go home. bleh.

<3, chels

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