random acts of kindness
posted on September 29, 2004 @ 12:21 pm

i have a growing fan club for my anti-bush sticker on evie. it says, "a ranch in texas is missing its ass." the first person was a boy a couple weeks ago, who walked up to my open window to compliment it. then, last week, while at a busy stop sign at 45th and shoal creek (i <3 shoal creek; it's my new way home), a man in his forties in a brand new cadillac from louisiana asked where i got it, and when i told him the website he thanked me for making his day. this morning in the turn lane on 45th onto guadelupe, a porsche pulled up next to me (yes, in the one lane, i was disturbed at first). the man was in his thirties, and he asked where i got it, then told me how funny he thought it was. all this positive attention is really putting me in good moods.

therefore, i called mommy on my lunch break and talked to her for 40 minutes. on my way back through jester, i noticed the same boy i see every day at the salad place. half the time he's asleep, and today he just looked miserable. i put my mom on hold and told him, "you don't look very happy. i see you here everyday. would you like some donuts?" i pulled out the ones i bought this morning but never ate. "they're squished, i know, but they're still just as good i'm sure."

smiling, he said, "as tempting as it is, i don't think i'll take them. i only have to be here two hours anyway." i shrugged and said okay, and as i was about to walk out the door he called after me, "have a great day!" and i returned the well wish. when i looked back at him, he was still smiling. i hope some nice human contact can help him through the rest of his shift.

i told mom about the thing i assembled for the tv, etc., and how i had to take it over since i don't work well with others. she laughed and said she understood, that she and doug have nearly come to divorce over building things. she also laughed when i told her about the shirt i got that says, "fuck with me and i will saw off your legs." i got that order yesterday, and the invoice was signed, "thanks chelsea! :) srini" i felt special getting an autograph from mr. unamerican himself.

i'll get my first check as a full-timer on the first, but since there's only three weeks on it it's $1241.50. $353 taken out for various reasons is just sad. though they're not taking out for dental, i noticed, but i'm not saying anything; i got the card in the mail. it felt so fulfilling sending $150 to each of my credit cards. i told mom i'll start paying for the car as well (around $140 a month) in february, once i get the one card with 0% APR paid off. she sounded pleasantly surprised, but it's my obligation. my parents shouldn't have to spend thousands of more dollars on me when i've been out of their hair for three years.

anyhoot. october 4th is owen's birthday, and i'm carting him off this weekend to something dorky. you'll be assaulted with plenty of dumb pictures of it, so it doesn't really matter if i say what it is or not. i just hope he doesn't completely hate it.

anyhoot2, i don't think there's anything to say. i haven't heard anything from my apartment manager, so i don't think my neighbor said anything to her. so i won't either.

<3, chels

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