mandatory monday meeting
posted on August 17, 2004 @ 8:59 am

last night, despite the fact i said i wouldn't stay at drunken monday past two a.m., i ended up getting overly drunk and falling asleep in valerie's bed around...5:00 a.m.? i think that's it. i just remember jason crawling on top of me, telling me to go to sleep, and kissing my cheek while lots of other people discussed how to get me up at 7:00 for my double shift today. i even got here 20 minutes early cause i knew if i didn't leave i'd just fall back asleep. now i'm stuck at a different garage than scheduled because someone called in sick. i've no one to talk to and am near passing out, and i just discovered, having had a conversation with a customer, that my voice is a little horse. and dear god the allergies. i don't know what's up with that.

anyhoot, to give myself something to do have some pictures.

i was illustrating how short i [in the front] am.

a couple more embarrassing dildo pictures were taken last night.

jordan knocked off an already broken drawer, so this is the source of the obligatory opened-mouth dana picture. when i told her i always get a picture of her like this, she posed differently.

do you like see-food?

somehow kaushal got onto the topic of karate kid, which was actually on tv the other night.

for once jordan stopped being a dork and hiding from my camera to let me take a good picture of him.



dana's cat mitch is super cute.

jennie brought over her cat texas. they didn't get along excellently, but at least they didn't fight.

cole was giving me a hard time about feeding strays. how could you not care about something so cute? i'm also, apparently, feeding a baby oposum, which is equally as cute to me.

this always makes me just a little happier. it's a shame i don't live off riverside anymore.

<3, chels

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