valerie's b-day part I
posted on July 04, 2004 @ 6:34 pm

hmm. jennie, jason, and dana are in the garage right now, yet it's eerily quiet, save for jason's music.

anyhoot. i had to come dump some of my pictures so i can take more, so i figured i'd go ahead and put up the ones from last night. i'm not going to resize them cause i'm really tired and just don't care. and does it really matter, anyway?

jennie looked extra cute.

and dana looked extra crazy. she wanted one to look weird, though, and drunken dana really liked this picture.

ben's a guy who just graduated dana and valerie's high school and is staying with them for a while. this is his CK shot.

this is his "wait, let me get ready before you take a picture�hey you took it!" shot.

jason had a blinking red light on his crotch, which highly excited ben.

they're just talking, but it looks like they're about to make out, right?

cole and i agree valerie looks pretty hot in this picture, even though she's making the funny chewing face.

i find it interesting how i always get the moves put on me by a gay guy. at one point i had my back to the sink and jordan needed some water, so he just leaned over me. he started saying, "you smell so beautiful!" and kissing my neck. drunk jordan's hilarious.

and here is the series of kitten pictures. he's so painfully cute.
cole's got nice arms.

val and dana's old roommate.

ben passed out and dana playing with the kitten.

aw, and the cutest one, jonathan cradling him and a beer while he sleeps.

ok, i need more rest before tonight. :cough, cough:

<3, chels.

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