posted on June 22, 2004 @ 11:14 am

i did my first load of laundry last night, too.

the bitches upstairs stomp around and play their music at intervals pretty late, so i banged on the ceiling with my broom like that guy in "friends."

jesus, did i just make a "friends" reference?

when i got onto campus and stopped at a kiosk to let the guy know i was going to work, he said, "yeah, i know, i remember you. why are you so happy?" i didn't really know what to say. i smiled with my mouth open a bit as if i was going to say something but couldn't think of it. it's because i have an awesome new apartment all my own, i have two cute kitties, i'm sleeping well [sans drugs] for the first time in 20 years, i have a plane ticket to philadelphia, i'm going to drive through places i've never visited with my very most favorite person, and when we get back he doesn't have to leave.

ultimately i just shrugged and smiled more. he chuckled and said, "well, stay happy!"
"i'll try!"

<3, chels

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