four days lacking sobriety and counting
posted on June 14, 2004 @ 11:02 am

friday night my mouth [tooth/jaw/gums/whatever is hurting] was killing me, and since it was late owen had to listen to me cry rather than mom. as i talked to him, valerie called inviting me over, and i thought there was no better remedy for pain than to get smashed. and i did. i saw super troopers for the first time. it may have appeared funnier than usual since i was stoned.

saturday night, again while talking to owen, val called again and asked, "are you on your way?" about an hour later i ventured over, and that night i gave new meaning to the word "intoxicated." valerie, jordan, cole and i were in the "secret shot club," wherein i took one of everclear. later that night, jordan and i started our own "triple secret shot club" because he wanted to get as drunk as me. only every time he took a shot, i did too, so i don't think he achieved it.

jason showed up with what appeared to be diet coke. jason can be a tricky one.

dana likes to cuss.

a very cosmic moment, taking a picture of someone filming me. i moved the window of my camera so she could film herself in my camera. give me a break, we were drunk, it was fascinating.

we had newcomers, or as val called them, foreigners. lauren, the girl on the right (obviously) works as an event cashier, and that's her friend patrick. lauren brought KB and contributed muchly to my intoxication.

also accompanying lauren was henry, and once he mentioned toys r us i knew where i'd previously seen him. working at toys r us, of course. i have a picture of him sitting outside smoking at night because i thought he was cute, and i just do creepy things like that.

at some point my glasses were taken, probably when jordan was hugging me once (they can get in the way so much). i'm not sure why people (including myself) are so interested in wearing other people's glasses, but my drunken co-workers certainly were.

at some point i told jordan he was hot, and after asking me to repeat myself about ten times he asked me to marry him. i complained about my lips to him, and he started telling me how hot i am and how amazing my lips are. "i'd kiss you right now, but, you know." he's gay, by the way. once we started our triple secret shot club and he got drunk-er, he didn't have qualms over kissing me.

all night i called him husband, and he called me wifey, and we planned our children's names. when he wanted to go somewhere, he'd either grab my hand and pull me along or plant one on me and tell me he'd return.

he even fixed my hair with a pretty scarf we found.

jason and i passed out in a chair at, i dunno, some time in the wee hours of the morning. i awoke alone at a quarter to ten still drunk, but managed somehow to get home.

i do believe that is all. i have lots of other pictures, but they're kind of blurry. there were two other girls there who reminded me of myself and leah and brooke in high school.

last night derrick, the guy from subway, called and came over around ten. we smoked and talked about x-box and halo 2 (which he also has reserved) and watched the simpsons. once i sort of ran out of things to say, around 11 (i was tired and dreading work this morning), he left.

he left about an inch and a half of the joint with me, and i had more before sleeping and once i woke up. it's wearing off now.

cole just showed up in between classes and is urging me to smoke with him. off i go.

<3, chels.

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