free food, porn, liquor and drugs w00+
posted on June 06, 2004 @ 7:20 pm

"come home," placebo
"nothing gets crossed out," bright eyes

jeremy said i could have a couch of his, and i'm excited about that. i just have my shitty futon, and when you sit on it you can feel the bars up your ass. not too fun.

yesterday i went for the "hooker chic" look. i have a plaid skirt that goes below my knees, but i fixed it to where it comes several inches above them. i put on my black fishnets and my pretty new shoes and went to PG5 to arrange a pick-up for a package at cole said i had nice legs, so now you know to not believe anything cole ever says to you.

i ended up staying there until he got off, and he, le'britney, and i went to chili's. we left my car there at the garage, which i regretted later.

we discovered chili's no longer allows you to smoke inside, and le'britney made a little scene over it. once we sat down, cole asked, "see that old guy over there? you should have seen his face. i don't know if it was the noise you were making or your fishnets. it was probably a little of both." cole paid for my cheeseburger cause cole's a sweetie.

after much alcohol consumption (not on my part, obviously) and sex talk, we went to the megaplex since we were near-er to it than usual. my highlights were finding a movie called poke-a-man and hearing le'britney say "i just fainted" every time i showed her a forearm up an ass. oh, and this one chick with two arms in her vagina. fuckin' a, man. and stay away from the foreign section at all costs. i tell myself that every time, but inevitably whomever i'm with draws me over there. i think it's something to ruminate upon, however, how i find the she-males interesting.

le'britney bought two lesbian "flicks," as she calls them, and we went back to her apartment and watched one. i drank and smoked too much, and by ten o'clock i was fucked. up. cole drove me back to the garage to get my car, and somehow i managed to get around in my little heels just fine (i wear flip flops; thin inch and a half heels are hard, ok?). we sat in the closed garage for a while talking, then went to PG3 because i had to use the bathroom. jennie was just about to leave, so we stayed there for just a while longer. i had to tell my brain it was time to be sober, so i got in travis and took the route through the ghetto so as to avoid the interstate.

laura put this survey in her journal, so when i got to work i filled it out since owen wasn't around. the last question caused me to look for five famous people i'd bang in a second, so i got a bit riled up. my five people are so gorgeous, too.

anyhoot. this chica's feeling frisky. i was going to buy a vibrator yesterday, but i have to wait until i actually have money. oh well. dad emailed me and said he'd pay for my plane ticket to go "collect" owen. that's one less thing i have to worry about, i suppose. i want it to happen tomorrow, though. :stomps her foot impatiently:

:burps: excuse me. ok, that's enough of that.
<3, chels.

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