"like hell it's a good morning."
posted on March 13, 2004 @ 7:49 am

one thing i love about the interstate is the lack of animals strewn about, slaughtered by someone travelling too fast to notice or care, or talking on their cell phones while changing the cd or scanning radio stations.

this morning at 5:36, on my mini morning commute, a massive german shepard lay in the very middle of my lane. his back was bent nearly in half opposite its natural curvataion, and his gaping, bleeding chest yawned into my headlights like a small child outlining precisely which cartoons he was missing during the sunday morning sermon. spanning the lane, his paw extended to just beneath my wheel. or possibly his face. oh god, i hope i didn't run over his [not so] little nose. i can only hope he paid more attention to spiritual matters than the bored child.

i've been told the bible says animals have no soul. well, this morning i saw a dog's spilling forth from just below the plush white fur of his neck, on its way to becoming yet another indistinguishable stain on the highway.

[the title's is a quote from the girl working at 7-11.]

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